Reel Talk: Dak Prescott Has Total Control Of This Offense

Kevin Brady

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After the 2016 NFL Draft, I took the time to review the film of each of the Cowboys newest players. The most intriguing of those players, without question, was quarterback Dak Prescott.

After watching more film on Dak than I had watched of any other college player, I felt like I was left with more questions than answers. Sure, I liked elements of his game and I loved his personality and mind-set, but there were legitimate problems evident which gave me pause.

I wondered if he had consistent enough footwork to make it in the league, or if he had the accuracy to make the necessary throws to win games at the next level.

I thought at best he could be a serviceable starter in a few seasons, but I did not think he had any real shot to win us games in 2016.

Boy, was I wrong.

While both the season and Prescott’s career are still young, Dak has checked nearly every box required to prove he can be this team’s franchise quarterback.

Last week in San Francisco, he took a great step forward.

The first quarter was rough, arguably the worst quarter of his young career. Dak struggled, missing open receivers down the field, and failing to be accurate consistently. Here we see Dak roll out as Terrance Williams gets wide open on a comeback route.

Dak holds the ball too long, allowing defensive backs to start to converge on Williams. By the time Dak gets the ball out, he sails it over Williams head and gets him hit hard.

Once again, Dak blatantly misses Williams down the field. Yes, right tackle Doug Free does get bull-rushed right into his face, but Dak should have released the ball before that point anyway.

Down 14-0 on the road and struggling more than he has ever struggled before, Dak was faced with an incredible amount of adversity. The Cowboys had to win this game, and it was going to be up to him to bring them back.

Dak delivered, and it is why we can now say he has total control of this offense.

Let’s take a look.

This throw only went for a short gain, but was really impressive nonetheless. The 49ers show blitz pre-snap and Dak recognizes it, alerting his receivers and sliding the protection.

It turns out to be a bluff, however, and the 49ers come off the other side instead. Dak immediately recognizes the change, snaps his eyes quickly to the hot read, and hits the receiver who replaces the blitzing defender.

Remember a few plays earlier when Dak missed Williams down field as Free was pushed into his lap? Here is a prime example of what Dak can do even when his linemen get beat.

Dak is unable to really step into the throw and must get rid of the ball quickly. Despite this adversity, he remains calm and still delivers a strike on target outside the numbers. His accuracy on this play is important. If he was off target and forced the throw short or behind the receiver, it very well could have been intercepted and taken all the way back the other way.

Once again, Dak can’t step into throw, but delivers an absolute strike for a touchdown. What also impressed me about this play is how Dak was able to throw across his body accurately. On a designed roll-out, you would usually like a right-handed quarterback to be rolling to his arm-side. Instead, he rolls left, but shows no issue hitting Brice Butler in the back corner of the end zone.

I suggest Washington sending this film to Kirk Cousins, because he couldn’t make this throw once in four tries week two against the Cowboys.

Sure it ends up being incomplete, but this is perfect ball placement on a back shoulder throw. Dak allows Butler to go up and get the ball, keeping it away from the defensive back and only allowing for two options, touchdown or incomplete pass. The timing of this throw is fantastic as well, as Dak puts the ball on Butler as soon as he turns around and is ready for the ball.

Brice Butler should have hung on to this ball for the touchdown, but it is still a great throw from the young quarterback.

This last clip isn’t a touchdown pass or even a first down run, but it is incredibly important to Dak’s development in this offense. He reads the San Francisco defense pre-snap, changes the protection, and flips Ezekiel Elliott to other side. Not all rookie quarterbacks can do this, or even have the power from their coaching staff to do this. You can tell that Dak Prescott has total control over the offense, and is very comfortable in it.

I have no doubts that Dak will continue to improve this week against Cincinnati, and I can’t wait to see what the future has in-store.

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