Reports: Doug Free Agrees to Pay Cut; Sets Sights Towards 2013

Gustavo Andreu

Home » Cowboys News » Reports: Doug Free Agrees to Pay Cut; Sets Sights Towards 2013

nfl_u_dfree_jh_400It is yet only a rumor, supposedly confirmed by a source in Valley Ranch, but for all we know and suspected when the team didn’t address the RT position in the draft #68 is going to be around for at least one more year, after agreeing for a considerably smaller contract. He was initially set to get $7 million for 2013, now he’s getting the same amount in 2 years. Not a lot of players take that kind of cut in their salary, it just doesn’t happen. Thougths people?

Well for starters let me say that this new settlement brings up some questions:

1. Is Free accepting this big downpayment because he wants to stay in the team and prove everybody wrong? or

2. He knows that no other team would pay him that.

The situation seems tricky huh? But here’s the deal, Free has been involved with all ‘non- mandatory’ activities the Cowboys have had in the present offseason, such as the home-run derby and this week’s golf tournament with sponsors. He’s not talking much about his situation or if he thinks he’s going to stay a Cowboy, but the guy’s there, and that by itself makes a statment.

Let’s forget for now whether Free is or isn’t a good player (he certainly was being paid as a Pro Bowler). But his actions by just being there tells us that he is involved with the team, even when his future as a Dallas Cowboy was uncertain. That my friends is called professionalism.

Yeah, Free kinda sucked last year we all know that, but it would seem that this guy isn’t done yet, he’s got something to prove and that’s why he is staying. A player whose ego has been hurt, a wounded beast just lying dormant for his opportunity to stand out and reclaim what’s his…take it Doug.

I’m relieved that this whole shebang’s over. Less distractions for the team and more football talk. It is clear that the ‘Boys wanted this guy on the team, and the reason is simple, they have limited personnel at right tackle for the moment.  The fact is that the team wants to set up the competition at right tackle between Jeremy Parnell and Doug Free. but it was precisely rotating with Parnell when he was at his best.


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1 thought on “Reports: Doug Free Agrees to Pay Cut; Sets Sights Towards 2013”

  1. What does Doug Free have on Jerry Jones is Doug free blackmailing Jerry Jones or what?

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