Rolando McClain to Make First Practice

Brian Leatherman

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Rolando McClain will participate in the first practice of training camp before flying back to Alabama to appear in court for a year-old case. Then he’ll be at camp over the weekend and hit the practice field once again.

I’m sure this wasn’t a total surprise to Jerry Jones or Jason Garrett, although I’m sure McClain, Jones, and Garrett thought he would have the chance to at least start training camp. And I’m sure that was the plan until a judge denied another continuance in McClain’s case. Dallas Morning News reported the case had been continued three other times because of the conflicts with McClain’s attorneys. If that were the case, I would hope McClain has found another attorney by now.

In case you were wondering, McClain is being accused of screaming “F*** the police” in a large crowd of people, over 700 people to be exact. That’s right, he was fingered for it, out of that many people, for screaming something a lot of us have either said or wanted to say. Now, it didn’t help his case that he resisted arrest, but I don’t blame the guy for being upset if he didn’t say it. Both charges are considered misdemeanors and shouldn’t bring any jail time.

It’s been reported that McClain has been working out at the University of Alabama and is in tip-top shape. It was also reported that Nick Saban – McClain’s former coach while at Alabama – gave the thumbs up to Jason Garrett.

To some that shouldn’t be a surprise considering the relationship between Garrett and Saban. The two have remained close since working together with the Miami Dolphins.

So for all the “I told you so” people, hold off with that just yet. McClain knows people are counting him out and not giving him a chance to make things right. So I expect him to take full advantage of the opportunity he’s been given and prove all the doubters and naysayers wrong.

Update: As has been reported today, plans changed for McClain.

5 thoughts on “Rolando McClain to Make First Practice”

  1. I wondered how this was possible. Not a lot of direct flights from LA to Tuscaloosa. Had to go early today.

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