Romo Friendly vs TO Friendly

Bryson Treece

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Does every one really have to be spoon fed something to understand what’s going on? Yes, Jerry Jones said that … and see that, it doesn’t even matter to go on. Just because Jerry says it does not mean that it’s either true or deserving.

What keeps surprising me is that we have yet to hear from “What’s His Name” in the kind of way that McNabb and Garcia both heard from him after he left Philly and San Fran, respectively. It was actually a topic covered quite well after his release, wondering when it would happen and what he would say, exactly.

So now it’s been a few months and he has said some things, but by no means has he gone medieval over the situation either. And then you have ESPN – like a special needs kid with a candy bar I tell you – they are even covering the most dramatic sports news available by telling us that TO hasn’t found a place to live yet. Yeah, I said it, THEY did it!

And without any sense of subtlety at all, we now have yet again witnessed another TO -vs – Romo moment in the media. “Romo Friendly” is not “TO friendly“, and whether or not a player can figure out that it doesn’t matter, the media should at least be able to stick to their genre. The tabloids cover gossip, sports media covers sports. Why, oh why ESPN is that so hard to grasp.

No body even knows what “Romo Friendly” means. People keep expecting an expert or obscure to step up and say that it means several things that all fit very specifically on some magic expert list of quarterback qualities, and in truth it simply means that players who fit well with his style are “Romo Friendly“.

Owens has rarely ever been anything but “TO Friendly” and as someone said recently, There are only stats for two guys on a team, the quarterback and the head coach. No one ever says a wide receiver lost a Super Bowl or playoff game – unless that receiver is Patrick Crayton of course.

So the next time anyone says anything about Owens and the whole “Romo Friendly” phenomena, be sure to slap ‘em once real good with your right hand, and then follow through with another slap from your left. How’s that for “Romo Friendly“?

3 thoughts on “Romo Friendly vs TO Friendly”

    • You’re the only one seeing it, but I’ll keep an eye out for something messed up. Thanks.

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