Roy Williams, Linebacker Bound?

Bryson Treece

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This is exactly the kind of stuff I want to be hearing right now!

Move Roy Williams from safety to linebacker? Why would anyone doubt that the soundness of a move like that? I could understand if someone like Ed Reed was available this off-season to the Cowboys, then yeah, cut Williams and get the extra cap space so you can get a high caliber safety. But that just isn’t the case.

If you cut Williams, who replaces him? Who is going to step in and be the hard hitter that he always been? Sure, he struggles in coverage, but against the run he’s still good old Roy.

Maybe there is a point in that he would be facing bigger and stronger linemen every down, but he did that at safety back when Woodson had the air covered. I see Roy Williams a little like Parcels saw Dat Nguyen, a little small, but definitely talented enough.

A middle linebacker usually gets enough help from the rest of the defensive backs that even put into coverage on a tight end or back; Williams could get the job done.

The Cowboys did try him at linebacker in sub-packages for a while, and he wasn’t that great, true. But there is a big difference between a safety coming in as a linebacker sometimes, and a linebacker roaming the field.

Maybe it’s just wishful thinking on my part, but I’d like to find ways to get our current personnel playing to their strengths. And at safety, in coverage, Roy Williams is not doing that.