Roy Williams

Bryson Treece

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Roy Williams has been the whipping boy almost since the day he arrived in Dallas. Whether that was from fans who did not like the move, or from sports writers who immediately planted the “How can T.O. and Roy coexist” seed. Some of the grief that Roy has taken has been unwarranted, but even I (Longhorn homer) must admit that some of it is of his own doing.

Since his days at Odessa Permian High School, Roy Williams has been the #1 guy, he knows no other way. “The Legend” as he was known in Odessa, was a two sport star. When he was not playing Football he was on the track team. In 2000 at the State Track meet he entered 3 events. He won the long jump competition with a jump of 25’6″. He placed 2nd in the high jump with a jump of 6’10”. Then followed that up with a 3rd place finish in the 100 meter, with a time of 10.38

When the school year ended in 2000, Roy left Odessa and headed south, to Austin and the University of Texas. From the moment he stepped onto campus he was expected to be the savior of Texas football. He did not disappoint, making a name for yourself in Austin is not easy (if you have never been there maybe this will help, their slogan is “Keep Austin Weird”) and better yet making a name for yourself amongst the football community is even tougher.

Roy however was able to do these things as well as help the Longhorns turn the program around, and get them back in the national spotlight. He did all of these things not by just showing up! No he put in the work, and led his team by example, not by talk!

In 2004 he was 7th pick in the NFL draft selected by the Detroit Lions. Roy’s work habits went to Detroit with him. Unfortunately for him he was surrounded by a terrible team, and management. Amidst all of that he still managed to become a Pro Bowl selection in 2006.

Last year Jerry Jones pulled the trigger on a deal to bring the talented Wide Receiver to the Cowboys. Upon his arrival in Dallas, we the fans asked him to step right in and be an all world receiver and to do this with Brad Johnson throwing him the ball!

Now as far as I could tell not only was there not a receiver on the Cowboys roster that had any success once Johnson took over, but there was not a receiver in the league that could have had any success. Yet those were the expectations for Roy. A funny thing happened though, the guy never complained! As a matter of fact the only remarks he ever made were things like “I need to do a better job” and “We are working to get better”. Meanwhile the teams #1 was saying “get me the ball” or “When I have the ball good things happen”.

We all need to remember that when Roy was brought here, he was not brought here to be the #1, not last year anyway. So if we look at that situation and keep that in mind, can you imagine what it must have been like to finally be able to leave the losing organization you had been with, and then walk in the door of your dream job only to find that organization in as big disarray as the last.

Players arguing with other players, secret meetings, and the whole world attempting to lay at least some of the blame on your shoulders. Yet this was the situation he was thrusted into, welcome to the Dallas Cowboys.

Since the moment he walked in the door his skills, heart, and desire have been questioned. Not just from the fans, but from former players, Hall of Famers.

Roy could have done a better job of displaying his leadership qualities, but I can understand why he did not. One thing that stands out in my mind was something he said at the end of the season while being interviewed on the Mike and Mike in the morning show; “I was shocked at the way they practice here, I am used to running out every play in practice. Like if I have a blocking assignment, In Detroit we blocked until the whistle blew. So that is what I was doing here in the beginning but I noticed I was the only one doing it, so I stopped.” That it where he failed last year, by trying to fit in and not create more issues, he allowed his teammates, and himself to be mediocre!

While I do not know Roy Williams personally I do know one thing about the guy, he is ANGRY! Right about now. I believe Roy has a chip on his shoulder, and has something to prove. He is not a guy that is just going to let people talk smack about him, without some sort of retaliation. The only way he knows how to retaliate is by proving everyone wrong.

For those of you that do not believe this I cannot change your mind, nor will I try. All I can say is, watch and see!

5 thoughts on “Roy Williams”

  1. Roy will not put up the numbers T.O. did, but he will demand respect this season. I also have not want at all for a player like Owens on the Cowboys. This year’s offense is going to be huge not from individual player efforts, but from everyone contributing. Everyone is focused on “Roy/Felix/Whoever can’t produce like T.O. can”…but I know who is gonna replace T.O. and it’s going to be the one and only team known as the Dallas Cowboys

  2. with you more! We do not need one person to put up gaudy numbers! We need 11 guys working as one.

  3. Roy Williams needs another profession or team, but Dallas is not for him. He is TO character without the talent. Keep griping, won't do any good. You won't catch the tough catches, hell, you won't catch the easy ones. Enjoy your money you haven't earned, you over paid cry baby.

    • I'd like to see the guy prove everyone wrong. It's not his fault that JJ threw all that money at him.

  4. I'd like to see the guy prove everyone wrong. It's not his fault that JJ threw all that money at him.

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