Scout Report: Hutson Mason, QB, Georgia

Josh Wingate

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Name: Hutson Mason
Age: 23
Position: QB
College: Georgia
Height: 6’2 1/8
Weight: 207
Grade: 6th – Priority Free Agent
Comparison: Chad Pennington

Athletic Ability

Hutson Mason is someone who can escape pressure, but isn’t someone who will make you change your game plan due to his legs. He is not the most fluid athlete either as he appears to have stiff hips, which has shown in his balance and change of direction skills.

I do like his ability to use quick feet, allowing him to climb the ladder to avoid pressure.


A competitive player who only had one year to display his skills. He was a leader for the Bulldogs in 2014, especially after the loss Todd Gurley.

Hutson Mason is a consistent player; you know what you’re going to get from the guy every time he steps out on the field. Showed average production, nothing that will stand out to you, but this was his first full year.

Mental Alertness

Mason has a great ability to retain, after sitting three years under Murray, he was able to adapt some of Murray’s better skills as his own. The one that stood out to me the most was his ability to look someone off by using the pump fake, which allows his receiver to get open. He also has the fundamental understanding of reading a defense, which is hard to get from a college quarterback in this day and age.

I do not believe Hutson Mason has the instincts to create plays in pressure situations, but he has room to grow with more teaching and the more playing time he gets.


Has above average height for an NFL QB, which will not affect his draft stock, but some will prefer him to be a little taller. With the little film there is on him, he showed to be a durable athlete and even played through various nicks and scrapes during the season.

Position Skills

The biggest highlight for Mason coming into the NFL is that he comes from a pro-style offense.

He has an ability to read defenses and transition to secondary receivers. He also has pin-point accuracy allowing him to trust every throw he makes, even the ones in tight windows. If you were a fan, you probably had a mini heart attack during each of those throws.

He is very good at leading receivers in the short passing game. Needs to work on some mechanical issues, but overall looks decent. Often has ducks thrown because he has little to no power behind his throws. Needs to use his lower half when throwing the ball, which could lead to more power behind his throws.


Hutson Mason is not going to wow anyone on film, but he is someone who can come in as a backup and have the potential to become something in the future. He is such a raw prospect when it comes to film because he hasn’t taken enough snaps to grow into the player you would want.

I see someone who is going to excel in a west-coast offense, but that is if he can become better at reading the defense and build strength in his arm. I could see him going anywhere from the 6th round to being a free agent.

Someone might fall in love with him as a developmental player.