Scout Report: Zack Martin

Josh Wingate

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Name: Zack Martin
College: Notre Dame
Height: 6’4
Weight: 308 lbs
Position: Offensive Guard
Graded By: Josh Wingate

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][td_text_with_title custom_title=”Athletic Ability: Grade – 8.20″ title_style=”td_title_style_1″ header_color=”#dddddd” header_text_color=”#000000″]When watching Zack Martin play, you notice he’s never caught off balance – he keeps great balance throughout his blocks and uses great technique to make sure he has his balance at all times. When watching film a few phrases that continued to show up on my paper was great footwork, recovers well and anchors well. This all speaks volumes of the type of athletic ability that Martin displays on a play-by-play basis. He also shows great flexibility when looking to change from one blocker to the next, and when looking to pick up a late blitzer off the edge; he is also able to use his change-of-direction skills at the offensive line position to get to the next level and secure the linebacker or defensive back from making the play. I was repeatedly stunned at his ability to get off a block and take out the next player that would have disrupted the play. This showed great change-of-direction skills and also flexibility and coordination.[/td_text_with_title][td_text_with_title custom_title=”Competitiveness: Grade – 8.16″ title_style=”td_title_style_1″ header_color=”#dddddd” header_text_color=”#000000″]Martin is a very physical player with the toughness to stand in there every play and defend his quarterback’s backside, and did so extremely well might I add. His production in college is up there with the best of them. I could not remember watching him give up a sack in the four games I watched of him so I went to watch more film. I decided to stop because he was so consistent in his play and every snap he was the same type of player. I watched the Stanford game first and that stood out to me – his consistency – because he was going up against Trent Murphy, who in many eyes was one of the best pass-rushers in the NCAA last season. He did great against him. I never saw him quit on a block, but I also didn’t see him giving continuous effort until the whistle blew. It’s not a knock on him; after blocking his assignment the other guy wasn’t a factor. It was essentially “my guy isn’t making a play so I’ll save my energy for the next play.” I still prefer a guy whose motor stays running until the ball is dead, if for no other reason than to show that he can man-handle him all he wants.[/td_text_with_title][td_text_with_title custom_title=”Mental Alertness: Grade – 8.16″ title_style=”td_title_style_1″ header_color=”#dddddd” header_text_color=”#000000″]This might not be the highest grade for him, but it is the most impressive criteria I witnessed for Zack Martin. He is an unbelievably smart player for a college football player. He knew when someone was blitzing and when they would not, he always picked up the correct guy and even if he was shocked he had enough know-how to engage the block and not allow his guy to get behind him. Many times while watching film on him his runners didn’t take the right cut, which made it look like he didn’t block well. This guy does not make the youthful mistakes I expected and is a very well rounded offensive tackle and guard. His instincts are right there with any of the top lineman in the NFL.[/td_text_with_title][td_text_with_title custom_title=”Strength/Explosion: Grade – 7.89″ header_color=”#dddddd” header_text_color=”#000000″ title_style=”td_title_style_1″]Watching Martin play his strength doesn’t explode on tape but make no mistake, he has sneaky good strength. He delivers a great punch on his blocks and creates a jolt to the defender. His body is well built for the offensive line. He’s normally the first person off the the line but I would like to see him consistently quick off the line without as many false start calls – about once per game. Martin is a very durable player as he  has played throughout nearly every game in which he started. Some people are concerned with Martin’s arm length, but it doesn’t bother me at all because he never displayed anything on film that would be cause for concern and because his punch is so dangerous to a defender it essentially doesn’t call his arm length into question.[/td_text_with_title][td_text_with_title custom_title=”Position-Specific Skill: Grade – 8.54″ header_color=”#dddddd” header_text_color=”#000000″ title_style=”td_title_style_1″]Like I’ve stated before he is normally the first person off the snap, which is great to see. It allows any player along the offensive or defensive side of the ball to make the first hit and get underneath the defender or blocker. Martin understands leverage and has great hand placement in his blocks, which also negates defenders being able to get under his arms for better leverage. Except for that play against Aaron Donald in the Senior Bowl, I hardly saw anyone get underneath and get by him on tape. He also has great recovery skills and is hardly ever pushed back. He gets his butt under him to get his anchor back and then uses his strength to get into great technique. He does use Quick Set in pass-protection in order to cheat in his kick step, which is something that will need to be worked on at the next level. Martin certainly has the athletic ability and overall ability to be able to play tackle at the next level. When watching him run-block I prefer him to in-line block because he handles his man better with bodies around him – he has an ability to whiff on a player in space but it’s not much of a concern.[/td_text_with_title][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][td_text_with_title custom_title=”Strengths” header_color=”#dddddd” header_text_color=”#000000″ title_style=”td_title_style_1″]Martin is going to be an all-pro player and he might be at the guard position. He has quick feet and is agile enough to pull and get to the next level. His athletic ability is not on par with Jonathan Cooper from last years draft, but it is right where you want it to be. He is able to play all five offensive line positions and I would credit that to his above average intelligence for the game and tough work ethic. Leverage is a great key for Martin as well as he anchors very well and uses his great punch to knock defenders back. I also love his ability to recover from getting off the snap poorly or using bad technique while coming off the line of scrimmage. I like his ability to compete well against speed-rushers and power-rushers. He can control anyone he gets put in front of.[/td_text_with_title][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][td_text_with_title custom_title=”Weaknesses” header_color=”#dddddd” header_text_color=”#000000″ title_style=”td_title_style_1″]I do not see many weaknesses to Martin’s game. He needs to work on his kick step at the next level before he is able to play tackle, which is a great reason why he will be starting at guard. He also does not consistently get off the snap right away and can show a delay in doing so. If I’m really nit-picking he doesn’t impose his strength on players like I personally would like to see, but he lives to see another down.[/td_text_with_title][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][td_text_with_title custom_title=”Summary: Highly Productive 1st Rounder” header_color=”#dddddd” header_text_color=”#000000″ title_style=”td_title_style_1″]Overall, this guy is going to be great. I was like most Cowboys fans I talk to and wanted either Aaron Donald or Zack Martin going into the draft and we were able to get one of them. This makes our offensive line very young and continues the trend of getting younger throughout the team, but more importantly at key positions for the team. I am pleased with how this team is drafting and can see Martin playing a key role in next years team. I would place him at right guard and watch him and Frederick work together to help keep Romo healthy and open holes for Murray, which is probably more of a need. Hopefully, this will allow Dallas to start running the ball more in key situations. Cowboys fans should be over the moon with excitement with this pick since he is likely going to be an all-pro player in the NFL.[/td_text_with_title][vc_raw_html]JTNDY2VudGVyJTNFJTNDc3BhbiUyMGNsYXNzJTNEJTIyZmluYWwtZ3JhZGUlMjIlM0VPdmVyYWxsJTIwR3JhZGUlM0ElMjA4LjE5JTNDJTJGc3BhbiUzRSUzQyUyRmNlbnRlciUzRQ==[/vc_raw_html][/vc_column][/vc_row]