If The Season Started Tomorrow: Cowboys Vs. Giants

Dante Giannetta

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Get excited! The NFL schedule has been released! Could it be the Gods are smiling down on the Cowboys with our new schedule? What can we hope for? We can hope for a win, of course. Week 1 is the best time to play the New York Giants.

Imagine we’ve fast forwarded to September 10th and we’ve just spent all week reviewing our game plan for game one: home against the NY Giants on September 11th.

In my opinion, given the historical significance of the date, the September 11th game should be prime time and in New York City. I personally feel it is a missed opportunity by the NFL, having the game be in Dallas, for one, and not have either the Giants or Jets play at a prime time slot. Something like the Jets vs Cowboys game in 2011 is what I envisioned.

I digress. Regardless of where it’s played, the game will be much anticipated, and, hopefully, we’ll see a lot of this:

Beasley Win

(Fourth quarter comebacks, if you didn’t get it.)

Joe Buck is sure to announce that the Cowboys are 8-0 on opening day against the Giants. While this might make some of the more superstitious Cowboys fans think we’re due for a loss, I think the first game of the season, under a new coach and system is the perfect time to meet the Giants.

It’s a new era for NYG and the first season in 12 years without head coach, Tom Coughlin.

The Giants will want to start this new Ben McAdoo era off with a win but there’s bound to be a learning curve, which is a good thing for us.

More so, the Cowboys are starting in considerably better shape this year than last season. For one, Dez was coming off of a hold out and was out of shape. Now that he’s healthy, he’s due for a comeback. Secondly, we’ve got more experience on the defensive line now that some of our boys have another season under their belts, as well as the signing of Cedric Thornton.

And, Tony Romo is back!

Cowboys Headlines - 22

We’re in much better shape, so this opening day should be promising.

Looking forward to a 9-0 record on September 11th. We can worry about the Joe Buck Jinx next year.