Should He Stay? Or Should He Go?

Bryson Treece

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Rumors are flying about the inner circles in Valley Ranch pondering the release of Terrell Owens. I really do not know if this story has any legs or not, due to who is blabbing about it. One Ed Werder! I will go with the old saying “where there is smoke, there’s fire”!

Let’s look at this from all different aspects and see if this is a legitimate option for the Cowboys.

First and foremost I would like to say that I am severely divided on this subject. Terrell Owens has been a good player for the Cowboys, and has not been a locker room problem until this year. As much as I want to blast the guy for his mouth this year I am having a very difficult time doing it.

The Cowboys brass is in a peculiar situation when it comes to T.O.! I am not a capologists so I will leave those ramifications for another day with someone much smarter on those things than I. What I am concerned with is the football and locker room ramifications.

The football ramifications are many! If they release T.O. we now must depend on Roy Williams to step up and be the man. Roy was brought here to do that, and I believe he can do that. What is a little concerning is that after Roy we are back to the same spot we were last year, can the guys behind him carry a big enough piece of the chain? Patrick Crayton is a good receiver, he gets better every year, but is he a #2? Miles Austin when healthy is a legitimate down field threat, but can he stay healthy? Answering these questions is a very difficult task. The scenario that keeps coming to my mind is Austin becoming the #2 with Crayton working the slot. In order for this to work and be a viable option the Dallas offense would need to change a little. The offense needing to change has been a topic of discussion anyway, so no matter who is playing where, this is something that needs to transpire! In order for my theory to work here is what would need to change. First the Cowboys must use these three guys properly. Miles Austin should be running downfield routes consistently. This guy has entirely too much speed to be running short routes. Patrick Crayton should be attacking the middle of the field, whether he is the one that the ball is thrown to or not. Crayton can open the middle up for Witten and Bennett, and can force the defense to make a decision that they do not want to make. The key to all of this lies with Roy! He is too big, too strong, to not run an endless amount of slants and curls in his direction. This guy can do damage if used properly. They must get the ball to Roy and Patrick quickly and then let them go to work.

This last year the Cowboys became entirely to predictable. First down run up the middle to Barber! Second down throw the ball to T.O. whether he is open or not! Third down throw the ball to T.O. whether he is open or not! The Cowboys were extremely worried that T.O. would blow up if they did not get him the ball. Well he blew up anyway, and they were an awful offense to watch. The Cowboys could repair these issues IF they had a strong presence in the locker room, and that presence that I speak of would be that of a strong head coach! Now I know Wade has stated that he is going to be making “changes” to himself, but he can not change enough to handle this problem.

Let’s say for example the Cowboys do not release Terrell. Do you think Terrell just simply comes back to work with no hard feelings towards the Cowboys? There is no way he can do that! Terrell is simply not built that way. The Cowboys in my mind have painted themselves into a corner (if the reports are true) I don’t think they have an option now. The Cowboys cannot afford to keep him, no matter what it cost them in dollars! This team was a wreck this year, and it all started with locker room turmoil. You have not seen turmoil! Turmoil is what is going to happen when you bring Terrell back after two weeks of speculation of cutting him!

I like Terrell, I really do. However I think he is extremely immature. Just like a teenage boy he thinks he knows more than he knows, and he does not know when to just shut up! In a perfect world I would want to see him stay. The world is not perfect and so he must go!

The release of Terrell Owens could also do a lot of good for this football team. These players may come to a realization that play time is over! This may be just exactly what they need to get this thing turned around. What do you think?

No matter what happens I can assure you T.O. is watching and listening, and getting close to exploding. I just have a very odd feeling that things are about to get a jolt of energy from Mr. Owens! Getcha Popcorn Ready!

6 thoughts on “Should He Stay? Or Should He Go?”

  1. GET RID OF T.O.!!!!!!!!!! GET RID OF HIM BEFORE HE RUINS YOU GUYS COMPLETELY!!!!!!!! He is cancer for a team and deserves to go to Detroit or Oakland.

  2. He should go because he is a total cancer with declninig skills, but unfortunatly due to the “genius” move by Jerrrah signing him to a big money extension last off season you are stuck with him and all his BS.The Cap hit for cutting or trading him would be disasterous.

  3. Not necesarily he is going to count something like 8 million against if he is on the team. If they release him it will cost another 650,000 so it is not that big of a hit.

  4. Yes he did! He was given 12.9 bonus last year, he is due a 3.1 roster bonus in june. If he stays it costs them 8.995 (this includes the roster bonus) if he is released the prorated salary cap figure moves to 9.67! Here is a spot you can read this.
    So their decision should not be so much about money, other than paying someone 9.67 million to not be here! But I can tell you I would be happy to pay him that to stay at home!

  5. Didnt he just sign a big extension last off season? and If so wouldnt the entire balance of the signing bonus excelerate onto 2009 cap if he is cut? Could have sworn that I read where it would be a cap killer to cut him…

  6. Youre right, as much as it sucks to pay almost 10 million to send someone packing, It would be the best thing for you guys. Team Chemistry would go through the roof, Romo wouldnt have to worry about kepping Princess Owens happpy and you could run a more ball control offense with the 3 talnted backs and feature Whitten and Williams in the Passing game. This all Makes way too much sense and isnt nearly Flashy enough for old Jerruh though…

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