Those Sleeping On 2016 Dallas Cowboys Are April Fools

RJ Ochoa

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You can listen to the latest episode of Cowboys Cast to find out exactly how many days it’s been since Dez Bryant absolutely caught that pass at Lambeau Field… or you can just look at the emotional scars of any Dallas Cowboys fan.

2015 was a rough year. A punch in the gut. A kick in the teeth. I mean, for crying out loud, Matt Cassel was our quarterback for a while and at one point was so bad that he got called for intentional grounding while throwing an interception.

The world of the National Football League is a what-have-you-done-for-me-lately kind of business, and that’s fine as far as I’m concerned. The Cowboys haven’t done much lately so they’ve been written off by a lot of members of the national media.

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On the first day in April people tend to prank those around them in a tale as old as time called “April Fools.” Well I’d like to think that the entire 2015 season was an April Fools Joke that the Cowboys played on the NFL.

You know the facts. Dez Bryant went down. Tony Romo went down. Then he got up. Only to go down again. The Cassel Coaster. The Moore Machine. Things were so grim that at one point we actually missed Brandon Weeden.

April Fools, NFL.

The Dallas Cowboys are not joking around this season. Playtime is over and they’re out to prove to the world that they are who they were (shout out to my boy Denny Green) in 2014.

America’s Team has already gotten off to a fantastic start in Free Agency, despite some initial chagrin from the loyal members of Cowboys Nation. If you’ve read my stuff before (Hi Mom & Dad!) then you know how much I love Alfred Morris.

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The additions of The Butler and Cedric Thornton, along with some crucial re-signings of their own, are the first pawns to hit E4 and E5 in this game of chess. Championships, specifically Lombardis, are not won in the Ides of March… nor are they secured in the showers of April.

We are officially within four weeks of the 2016 NFL Draft – that’s where titles are built.

The Cowboys are totally fine letting the world sleep on them. They’ll stay locked in to stealth mode and strike when the moment is right… April 28th with the 4th Overall Pick.

The only joke is the one they’re pulling on the other 31 NFL teams. It’s going to be hysterical next February.

How pumped are you for the 2016 Cowboys? Let me know! Comment below, Email me at, or Tweet to me at @rjochoa!

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