Spitting On The Star? A Real Eagles Fan

Bryson Treece

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I say a real Eagles fan because they’re known to be some of the most vile fans in football. My first impression of them goes back to the 90’s when Micheal Irvin busted up his neck in Philly and the fans cheered for his injury. From fighting to cheering when an opposing team’s player is hurt, sometimes severely, Eagles fans have always been the lowest class fans in the league.

Well now they’ve gone a step further. Dave Spadaro is an Eagles fan, and he’s also an Eagles employee as he run’s the Spudcam and the team website. He’s the one responsible for putting the following video on www.PhiladelphiaEagles.com, though this was taken from YouTube.com since the video has been removed from the Eagles website.


It’s something that just never seems to go away, people trying to disrespect our Star. Terrell Owens did it – twice. We forgave him when we signed him, but this guy is just a putz. Spitting on the Star not once, but twice! And he was even looking around trying not to get caught. I say Jerry Jones should ban the Eagles media and employees not essential to playing football, but that’s a stretch.

If this kind of thing doesn’t get Cowboys fans riled up for the big game I don’t know what will. Come on folks, if you’re attending the game, stand up and get loud. Show your team some support and give Home Field Advantage some meaning in Dallas (Arlington). Get Up. Get Loud.

5 thoughts on “Spitting On The Star? A Real Eagles Fan”

  1. You Cowgirls fans have the thinnest skin ever. What a bunch of assholes! You pricks were awful to a group of people from Philly at Texas stadium, so don't go pointing fingers. If I was there with Dave I would have taken a leak on your f#*king stupid star! You forgave T.O when you signed him? My ass, your owner, Skeletor, didn't even care!!! 13 years of no playoff wins has warped your sense of reality. You have rough fans, we have rough fans, this is the NFL, not tennis. Get a grip!!!

  2. It is football, dubbed the Gridiron sport for its brutal nature. The problem is that the players are the ones who are supposed to be brutal, not the fans. And any collective that thinks it's a good thing when a player ends his career because of such a severe injury is retarded.

    But that's okay, our Star will survive. We'll just cling to our 5 Super Bowl trophies for consolation.

    As for Dave spitting on the Star, he's an employee of the organization, not a fan. A fan defecating on the Star is one thing, but an employee of a rival team disrespecting us so blatantly is just unacceptable. That's why you're precious Eagles are issuing apologies, before the NFL issues fines!

  3. Philadelphia is classless, go figure. I'm not surprised of their disgusting antics, I would spit too if I got shut down.

    • Judging by the grammar used in your comment, I think most would agree you would be the buffoon. What makes your statement so funny is that you and your Eagles fandom have been in hiding since the beating you took from the Cowboys.

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