Staff Wars: Nick Hayden Did Nothing Wrong

Shane Denney

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Let me start by saying that, yes, Nick Hayden would’ve probably been better off to keep his fingers quiet, instead of taking to Twitter to call out Bryan Broaddus on his thoughts about the way Hayden had played.

Walter did an excellent job with his “Was Nick Hayden Correct In Calling Out Bryan Broaddus” article earlier, but I, however, must respectfully disagree.

Let’s be honest, the wonderful world of social media nowadays is what we live in. When’s the last time someone wrote a letter to someone and put it in the mail? Or, god forbid, called someone on the telephone. Almost everyone’s lives revolve around the internet and text messages.

Hayden has been one of the most maligned players on the Cowboys defense. A day doesn’t pass that someone isn’t calling for his job.

So maybe, just maybe, he had enough and did the exact same thing that mankind does on a daily basis.

He called someone out using the way that we interact each and every day — with the internet. It’s not like he told coach Garrett to hold on a minute in the middle of practice. Could you imagine Hayden saying  “Hold on a minute coach gotta respond to Broaddus on Twitter.”

For whatever reason, professional athletes and TV celebrities are scrutinized for every single thing that they do — even in the comfort of their own home. They shouldn’t be. All Hayden did was vent his frustrations. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that — we do the exact same thing day every day.