Staff Wars: Was Nick Hayden Correct In Calling Out Bryan Broaddus?

Walter Yeates

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This week Shane and I will tackle an issue that came up during the week. The following tweets tell the story:

This should have never happened, period. The following tweet perfectly describes my opinion on the matter:

The Cowboys have lost five in a row… no player in that locker room should care about individual stats at this point. It’s also ironic since Bryan Broaddus has defended Nick Hayden on numerous occasions, giving him credit for helping control the run game.

In fact, it was Broaddus’ testimony that encouraged me to watch film on Hayden last year. While not a flashy player, he does his job well and never gives up on a play.

But this was ridiculous.

If Hayden was that bothered he could have spoken to Broaddus in person. This is not something that should have been aired out over Twitter, especially when this team is struggling to get a win.

I expected more professionalism from Nick Hayden. Football is a team game, worry more about the final result rather than a small remark by a former Scout that has defended you in the past.

The players need to keep their priorities in check. If this season will amount to anything they need to defeat the Eagles.

Throwing shade at Broaddus will definitely not help anyone play better come Sunday.

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