Stalled Negotiations Get Clearer

Bryson Treece

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Okay, well a little bit of everything is due by now, so let’s recap. Jerry Jones is an idiot!

Okay, so maybe that doesn’t cover every thing, but it’s a good start. Admittedly, I don’t know what the breakdown was exactly, but from what Jones and Reeves have said during radio interviews since Wednesday, it’s hard to imagine what the specifics of the break down were.

Both sides agree that it was a time issue, and while that could be taken as perhaps Jones wanting to limit the amount of time Reeves’ worked each day, or week, more information suggests otherwise.

In Reeves’ interviews, he stated that he was looking at it as a full time job, and that to him that meant he would work until the job was done. Maybe Jones wanted some language stating how long Reeves would be a consultant for the team?

That certainly could make sense given another of Reeves’ statements. He said that in all his years in football, that he’d never seen something like that added to his contract before. It’s something we’ve all gotten used to, seeing coaches leave a team before the contract expired, and given the rules in the NFL, could he, as a consultant, have been given the same freedom as say an offensive coordinator?

Many of us know by now that Todd Haley is the new Head Coach in Kansas City, which is an opportunity that was afforded to him by the NFL’s rules. An OC can interview for, and accept, a position as a HC with another team, without penalty, before the expiration of their OC contract.

We know that Reeves was ready for a more hands-on job from his interview for the once vacant OC position in San Francisco, so maybe Jones wanted to lock him up so that he didn’t get the itch again and take a HC job somewhere else in a year or two.

We don’t really know what the issue was, but we do know from Reeves’ own words that if Jerry removes that questionable clause that Reeves would be on the first flight to Dallas.

One other thing, Jones said in an interview that as long as he walked the halls of Valley Ranch, that no coach would ever be given full control or authority. Some media outlets are reporting this as though it was all he said, and that’s not the case. He went on to say that no coach has the ability to hire a player, to fire a player, or a coach. He said that’s his job. Do you think he slid through the intention of that question? I do.