Ep #27: Cassel, Michael, Collins in; Cowboys Head to New York

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/229897589″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Brandon Weeden has worn out his welcome in the starting lineup, but will Matt Cassel be any better? Bobby, Bryson, and RJ weigh in. The Christine Michael era has arrived in Dallas, but what can realistically be expected? The guys weigh … Read more

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Written by: Bobby Belt

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Staff Wars Episode Three: Starting Cassel the Right Move

This week, fellow Staff Writers Shane Denney and Walter Yeates debuted our newest series – Staff Wars. The topic of debate: Was benching Brandon Weeden the right move? Shane started the discussion by defending Weeden. Yesterday, Walter supported the bye-week change of Matt Cassel. I agree with Walter … Read more

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Written by: Sean Martin

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Simple Solution On Offense, Embrace The Nasty!

Allow me to announce some breaking news, the Dallas Cowboys Offense is struggling. If you pay attention to mainstream sports coverage, that’s the message being repeated. Yet, they seldom offer any substantial solutions aside from the obvious… Wait for Tony Romo and Dez Bryant to get healthy. While both … Read more

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Written by: Walter Yeates

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More Christine Michael: Yes Please!

Entering the bye week with three straight losses, the Cowboys have aimed to make some changes offensively. Most notably, they replaced Brandon Weeden for the trade-acquired Matt Cassel. Although not official, they have also hinted at significantly increasing the workload of Christine Michael. This may mean a reduction … Read more

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Written by: Sean Martin

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Cowboys Fans Should Temper Their Expectations

The Cowboys definitely needed a spark, but Cowboys fans, as a whole, better temper their expectations. I know a lot of you have been waiting for Matt Cassel and Christine Michael since Dallas traded for them, and to see La’el Collins inserted as the starting left guard. Even … Read more

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Written by: Shane Denney

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Dallas Cowboys Offense: Where Is It?

They’re the World Champions. It’s no secret who the New England Patriots are, and it’s certainly no secret what they’re capable of on a football field. Nevertheless, the Cowboys put forth a disappointing effort in their game against New England last Sunday. Before you get flustered, let me … Read more

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Written by: RJ Ochoa

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Dallas Cowboys Vs. New England Patriots: 5 Bold Predictions

My Dad has a saying. It’s something that he’s always told me when he’s trying to get me to rise above the rest. It’s a simple phrase that has a knack for getting someone hyped. There’s no trophy for second place. That’s the kind of attitude and disposition … Read more

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Written by: RJ Ochoa

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