Cowboys CTK: Player/Coach Dan Reeves Rushes To #30

I see you walking with that extra spring in your step! You’re beaming from ear to ear! And we all know why… Dallas Cowboys football is back, baby! The Dallas Cowboys got things started in the 2015 preseason last night … Read more

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Written by: RJ Ochoa

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Stalled Negotiations Get Clearer

Okay, well a little bit of everything is due by now, so let’s recap. Jerry Jones is an idiot! Okay, so maybe that doesn’t cover every thing, but it’s a good start. Admittedly, I don’t know what the breakdown was exactly, but from what Jones and Reeves have … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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So The Reeves’ Deal Fell Through

Now that I’ve taken more than five minutes to form an opinion of this whole “Dan Reeves won’t join the Cowboys staff” ordeal, I’m going to try to lay this out as best I can. There are a couple of possibilities, obviously, for what happened or not with … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Todd Grantham, Defensive Coordinator?

According to a post at (read the post here), today’s edition of the Fort Worth Star Telegram newspaper has employees at Valley Ranch reporting that Dan Reeves has moved into Todd Grantham’s old office, while Grantham has moved into former Defensive Coordinator Brian Stewart’s office. This is … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Not So Many Changes After All

The first official word from Valley Ranch about Dan Reeves’ future with the organization was delivered today, and guess what? He doesn’t have a future with the Cowboys. Very little information was given for why it happened, but what we do know is that the contract negotiations broke … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Wade Phillips may be the solution

I’ve got a theory; tell me what you think of it. Wade Phillips is the head coach, he responsible for overseeing his other coaches and getting everything together for the game plan he develops. In 2008, the defense sucked until Wade started taking a bigger role on D, … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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A Mysterious Consultant

So what does it mean to have a consultant on a team that is otherwise fully staffed? I know we still need a DC, but Reeves would never be a candidate for that spot anyway. I suppose one possibility is that Reeves will be a general consultant at … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Another stint for Reeves with America’s Team?

Saw something interesting this morning. According to the Writer’s Block Blog, Former head coach Dan Reeves reportedly told the San Francisco 49ers that he will decline a position on the team in favor of joining the Dallas Cowboys. No official word as of yet on exactly what … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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