Another stint for Reeves with America’s Team?

Saw something interesting this morning. According to the Writer’s Block Blog, Former head coach Dan Reeves reportedly told the San Francisco 49ers that he will decline a position on the team in favor of joining the Dallas Cowboys. No official word as of yet on exactly what … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Talking Owens, from a reader

Got a comment today from a reader, and I want to expand on what he correctly identified as another topic. The Wizard wrote: “I’m in agreement with you about Garrett, who I truly believe is the biggest problem on the team right now. People can point at TO … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Jason Garrett: Not Ready To Give Up On Him Yet

As happy as I was that the Dallas Cowboys relieved themselves of Brian Stewart as DC. I was forced to make a decision on what I felt about Jason Garrett. The longer the day went on Friday the more it was becoming clear that the St.Louis Rams were … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Time to see where this takes us

For the love of God, will people please quit saying that next year will be a bust just because Wade Phillips will be the head coach? Either people say he has never won a playoff game, or that he is a puppet for Jerry, or that he is … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Did Injury Hijack Jason Garrett’s Offense in 2008?

I don’t know everything about football, not by a long shot. All I know is when I see something that doesn’t work, and I usually want whoever to stop doing whatever isn’t working; no big surprise there. But I’m not totally on-board with the “Fire Garrett” sentiments that … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Garrett Rejected

It’s not like I’m Mickey Spagnola or anything. I’m not going to say “Passed Over” just because it’s nicer. Garrett was rejected, and for good reason that I can see. Garrett missed out on three opportunities to be a head coach this year, so far. Though I wonder … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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The “Jerry-Go-Round” shows no signs of stopping

Well it seems as if Jason Garrett’s season did not do much for his stock as an aspiring head coach in the NFL. NOT EVEN THE ST. LOUIS RAMS WANT HIM! The question for me now is what do the Cowboys do with him. Many of my Cowboy … Read more

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Written by: Lee Pierce

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Coaches And Owner Talk Change

Since the disgusting effort put forth in Philadelphia, all the people in charge around Valley Ranch have been on a campaign of sorts. Much like our new president the title of their message is “change”. Change would be good and well deserved within this team, but much the … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Cracking the Jason Garrett code

Jason Garrett’s offensive scheme is much like the DaVinci code. And by that I mean stupid. But seriously I have been thinking about thisĀ a lot, every game there has been something that just keeps rubbing me the wrong way, and that is why in the world do the … Read more

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Written by: Lee Pierce

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