Cowboys @ Eagles: Defensive Effort Was Very Effective

Defending The Run The Eagles were able to obtain seven net yards on the ground. Every Nick Hayden detractor should take a look at the game, having an unselfish player at the 1 Technique is huge for this defense. It was almost as if Sean Lee and Anthony … Read more

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Written by: Walter Yeates

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Cowboys vs Giants: Defensive Review

Defending The Run The Cowboys were able to stop the run effectively all night without the need to drop extra men down in the box. Rod Marinelli’s preachings of hustling to the ball were seen as the unit never took a play off. There were several big runs, … Read more

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Written by: Walter Yeates

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Holdout Over: Cowboys Welcome Back Jeremy Mincey

This past weekend was all about short-lived dreams: My refraining from fried foods. Bethe Correia’s pride. The Eagles fan base’s dignity (Thanks to Greg Hardy). The lone dream that managed to squeak its way through to reality was Jeremy Mincey’s… kind of. Mincey had been holding out of … Read more

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Written by: RJ Ochoa

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