Cowboys CTK: Steve Beuerlein Makes His Way To #7

After a glorious day of college football, I went grocery shopping last night. The standard stuff found its way inside my cart: bananas, strawberries, a case of water, teddy grahams, and a quart of milk. Even though I’m sure that … Read more

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Written by: RJ Ochoa

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Cowboys CTK: Bill Bates Earned His Way To #40

Can you believe that on Sunday – 5 days from now – we will get to watch a game of football played between two NFL teams? I know, I know, it’s preseason. But if you were stranded in the desert for six months, would you complain about the … Read more

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Written by: RJ Ochoa

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Jimmy Johnson: Zero or Hero?

[su_spoiler title=”Introducing Tar Heel Paul” open=”yes” style=”fancy” icon=”arrow”]I’d like to thank the fine folks of for giving me the platform to express my unique views on all things Cowboys, football, media and fans. I’m going to cut to the chase – I’m an ass. I say what … Read more

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Written by: Tarheel Paul

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The Reign of Jerry Jones

In The Beginning… Twenty-five years ago one of the most significant transactions in the history of sports occurred when Jerry Jones bought the Dallas Cowboys for $140 million. Jones’ time with the Cowboys has been one of the most lucrative, polarizing, scrutinized and successful ownership tenures in the … Read more

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Written by: Josh Bateman

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Dallas Cowboys Get Back to Basics

The Dallas Cowboys last week apparently took the advice that was given by former head man Jimmy Johnson, “KISS Keep It Simple Stupid” and unfortunately some of us do not like this plan! After going back and watching the Monday night game against the Panthers for the second … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Tom Coughlin Awards The Game Ball to Tony Romo

…or at least he should have. This was going to be a dissertation on how the bulk, if not all, of the blame should fall on Tony’s shoulders for that loss against the Giants.  I started on it last Monday, and had a book written but soon realized … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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Blogging Nation: July 24

Got to give props to anyone who attempts a top list for Dallas Cowboys history – I mean whether it’s for the best players, worst players, best plays, or worst plays, you’ve got enough ammo to stretch a top 1,000 on just about any aspect. So here we … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Blogging Nation – July 8

Wel, well, well – seems we’ve had a bit of controversy in the last week what with Tony Romo being called out yet again for his leadership abilities. I still say until someone can show me the blueprint to being a leader, the catchall if you will, then … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Wade Phillips, Puppet or Master?

I disagree with those who say Wade is a puppet simply because the notion that Jerry Jones is this teams’ coach is a little absurd. Wade is given control over a lot of what happens, and Jones has veto power that he uses on the bigger things. To … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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