Joseph Randle Released By The Dallas Cowboys

With the NFL’s trade deadline many have wildly speculated that the Dallas Cowboys, or their own favorite NFL team, will make a big move. While this isn’t a trade and hardly surprises anyone, the Dallas Cowboys did make a move today that will make some major headlines. **breaking … Read more

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Written by: RJ Ochoa

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Ep #28: Joseph Randle’s Scandals, Greg Hardy’s Outbursts & Picking Up The Pieces

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”425″ iframe=”true” /] Joseph Randle was the source of a number of headaches out at Valley Ranch this week; how does the team proceed? Bobby is joined by’s Bryson Treece and co-host of The Hecklers podcast Garrett Robertson to break it down. Is … Read more

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Written by: Bobby Belt

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Staff Wars: Stay With Run DMC!

Sean and Shane dropped their opinions on who should start this week now that Joe Randle is quickly approaching his end of days as a Dallas Cowboy. Now here’s why the Coaching Staff is sticking with DMC. Why Mess With It Just When It Starts Working?! The Cowboys Offensive … Read more

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Written by: Walter Yeates

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More Christine Michael: Yes Please!

Entering the bye week with three straight losses, the Cowboys have aimed to make some changes offensively. Most notably, they replaced Brandon Weeden for the trade-acquired Matt Cassel. Although not official, they have also hinted at significantly increasing the workload of Christine Michael. This may mean a reduction … Read more

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Written by: Sean Martin

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Dallas Cowboys Offense: Where Is It?

They’re the World Champions. It’s no secret who the New England Patriots are, and it’s certainly no secret what they’re capable of on a football field. Nevertheless, the Cowboys put forth a disappointing effort in their game against New England last Sunday. Before you get flustered, let me … Read more

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Written by: RJ Ochoa

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Big Moments From Cowboys Week 5 Loss To Patriots

When you lose 30-6 it’s unlikely that there is anything to celebrate. To be perfectly honest, there isn’t much. The Cowboys did hang with the World Champs for a while last Sunday, but before they knew it the Patriots had jumped out so far ahead it was impossible … Read more

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Written by: RJ Ochoa

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