7 Personnel Adjustments That The Cowboys Should Make

As many of those of you who read my articles will know, I believe the Cowboys (and us fans) have overestimated the strengths of the team and that the “stars” have underplayed their capabilities. However, I believe the most damaging thing in this six-game losing streak has been … Read more

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Written by: Tommy Simon

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Cowboys Offense Not Quite Offensive Enough

Allow me to get straight to the point…. Brandon Weeden was not the problem. Well, what about… No, he did not lose the game for this team. If you believe now is the time to sign your savior Tim Tebow, please stop pretending to be a Cowboys fan, … Read more

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Written by: Walter Yeates

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Tony Romo Down: A Look At Options, Available Veteran Backups

Current Situation A broken clavicle. The diagnosis of the injury that took Tony Romo out of the lineup on Sunday, his current timetable for return is unknown, the obvious reality being the Dallas Cowboys starting Quarterback will definitely miss several games. That is actually the optimistic view, without … Read more

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Written by: Walter Yeates

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Filling The Dez Void: Cowboys Anticipate Wide Receiver Signing

At his Monday Press Conference, Dallas Cowboys Head Coach Jason Garrett announced the team anticipates signing a Wide Receiver to help fill in for the injured Dez Bryant. Premilinary expectations have Dez missing anywhere between four and six weeks. He did not say whether they would sign either … Read more

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Written by: Walter Yeates

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The Light at the End of the Tunnel

In this week’s addition of The Less Than Stellar Side of Sunday, I discredited to a degree the Cowboys wins so far this year.  My prevailing point was based on the fact that the oppositions’ collective win / loss ratio thus far amounts to 3 wins and 8 … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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With Saints looming, let the litmus test begin

Cautious optimist or stubborn curmudgeon?  Half full or half empty?  Building momentum, or just teasing? Where do you stand?  I’m still fuzzy on the whats and whys, but I’m leaning positive as I peck away right now. Amidst a sudden urge to run and a surprising ability to play make-believe defense … Read more

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Written by: erod

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