Staff Wars: Nick Hayden Did Nothing Wrong

Let me start by saying that, yes, Nick Hayden would’ve probably been better off to keep his fingers quiet, instead of taking to Twitter to call out Bryan Broaddus on his thoughts about the way Hayden had played. Walter did … Read more

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Written by: Shane Denney

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Staff Wars: Stay With Run DMC!

Sean and Shane dropped their opinions on who should start this week now that Joe Randle is quickly approaching his end of days as a Dallas Cowboy. Now here’s why the Coaching Staff is sticking with DMC. Why Mess With It Just When It Starts Working?! The Cowboys Offensive … Read more

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Written by: Walter Yeates

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Staff Wars: Cowboys Must Stay With Darren McFadden

Give Sean credit — he made an intriguing argument as to why the Cowboys should finally give Christine Michael the chance to run behind the best line in football. And now that Joe Randle, aka Shit for Brains, has been ruled out of Sunday’s game, now is not … Read more

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Written by: Shane Denney

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Staff Wars: Michael Deserves the Start Over McFadden

“Anyone can run behind this offensive line!” – Cowboys Nation This was the quote that many of us relied on to diminish the impact of losing DeMarco Murray this offseason. As far as what the team did to lessen this, they invested in Darren McFadden while putting a … Read more

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Written by: Sean Martin

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Staff Wars Episode Three: Starting Cassel the Right Move

This week, fellow Staff Writers Shane Denney and Walter Yeates debuted our newest series – Staff Wars. The topic of debate: Was benching Brandon Weeden the right move? Shane started the discussion by defending Weeden. Yesterday, Walter supported the bye-week change of Matt Cassel. I agree with Walter … Read more

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Written by: Sean Martin

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Staff Wars: Brandon Weeden Should Have Remained The Starter

Everyone has their own opinions and at times they love to argue why they’re right — it doesn’t matter the subject or situation. And everyone here at Inside The Star is no different. If you happen to be lucky enough to know us, you could probably figure out … Read more

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Written by: Bobby Belt

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