A Tale of Two Teams

Forgive the blatant clichéd to death Charles Dickens rip off, but honestly I don’t think there is a play on words that I’ve heard that better describes the Cowboys of the last 3 years.  I touched on this briefly in my last contribution; thus far in 3 games, … Read more

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Written by: Jonathan Day

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Captain Ass Bag shows some fire

When asked how he felt about Bollinger possibly splitting some first team reps in practice Captain Ass Bag cut off the interviewer and said… “We haven’t even talked about any of that, I have been in here watching film, I don’t know where your headed with that.” Nice … Read more

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Written by: Lee Pierce

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Captain Ass Bag Squeaks By

Well it wasn’t pretty. It wasn’t even close to pretty. Actually I would call it a Jr High “B” team performance. BUT IT WAS A WIN! This game was won entirely by the defense. It was nice to see some true emotion and heart from these guys, they … Read more

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Written by: Lee Pierce

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Week 8 In The Life Of The Dallas Cowboys

And the game ball goes to…. Wade Phillips??? Excuse me Wade Phillips the same guy we all wanted hung from the tallest tree last week! Evidently the Cowboys believe ol’ Marshmallow man was the straw that stirred the drink this week! In all seriousness he did an outstanding … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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