Dallas Cowboys Release Owens, Make Statement

It’s all about making a statement! The Cowboys, more directly Jerry Jones and his coaching staff are making an example of Terrell Owens. By releasing him they have sent a message to the rest of the team. That message is crystal clear! No matter who you are or … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Cowboys Move On … Without Terrell Owens

As Wednesday comes to an end, so does Terrell Owens’ tenure in Dallas. That’s right, the Cowboys released the oft-troubled wide receiver and are moving on with Roy Williams as their number 1 wide out. So it seems. What does this mean for the Cowboys? Well a few … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Terrell Owens Helps Woman Nearly Hit by Car

  Despite big media outlet’s such as ESPN constantly talking down about Terrell Owens, calling him things like Team Obliviator, a cancer, and even some have went as far to call him the worst team-mate in the NFL history. Yet like Owens tends to do quite often about his … Read more

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Written by: Ray Lopiparo

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The Ray Lewis Saga Continues

Ray Lewis is a future hall of famer and with his contract up in Baltimore, is it possible that he’s Dallas bound? Could he be had for a price the Cowboys can afford? Maybe the Ravens will actually overpay.

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Cowboys Aren’t Hinged By T.O.

With all the talk about Terrell Owens and whether he’ll be in a Cowboys uniform next year, the subject of whether or not we can sustain a potent passing game without him has been raised. It’s something that nobody has the answers on, but it makes me wonder, … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Looks Like Owens Is Still A Star

“You and I both know that the one you are asking about all the time, if I have an answer for . . . if I gave you the answer you want to hear, then you would already have had it, so the fact you don’t have it … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Is Terrell Owens Safe In Dallas?

According to Calvin Watkins over at DMN, quite possibly. I’ve got to admit that it does make more sense that Owens has some word that he will be around Dallas next year, though it’s still possible there’s another explanation for Owens’ agent not mentioning Owens in his contacts … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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