Media Circus

It seems to be the fad of late to blame someone for the Cowboys woes in 2008, and this fine Pro Bowl weekend is no exception. A report by Jason Cole at reveals that while the hustle and bustle of the Pro Bowl is under way, the … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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The Problem With Old Greats

If there is anything I’ve learned over the years being a Cowboys fan it’s this, you don’t win championships with another team’s talent. We’ve seen it many times in Dallas in this 12 year post-season drought, with the remarkable exceptions likely being either Terrell Owens or Zach Thomas; … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Greg “The Whiner King” Ellis at it again

Well that didn’t take long. Greg Ellis has already started his campaign for biggest pain in the ass, and it’s not even February yet. Now maybe we can’t really disagree with him too much since he is saying that he wasn’t used right on the field, but yeah, … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Doesn’t anybody do their job anymore?

There’s something to be said for a player that owns up to his role on a team. I mean each position has clearly stated duties and responsibilities at all times. A wide receiver has to run routes, break jams at the line, make cuts, get separation, focus on … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Talking Owens, from a reader

Got a comment today from a reader, and I want to expand on what he correctly identified as another topic. The Wizard wrote: “I’m in agreement with you about Garrett, who I truly believe is the biggest problem on the team right now. People can point at TO … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Interview With Dave Halprin On The T.O. Situation

Over the last few weeks I have had the pleasure of communicating with the creator and author of Blogging the Boys. Our conversations have covered many subjects. Dave, Raf and the rest of the guys at Blogging the boys do an exceptional job at covering the Cowboys. When … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Changes in Dallas: Cowboys Fire D.C. Brian Stewart

Well it seems as if someone in Dallas has finely realized what we have been saying all year long! It is time for there to be some changes around this team. The first relatively big change came when the Cowboys fired Brian Stewart who was the Defensive Coordinator … Read more

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Written by: Lee Pierce

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Should He Stay? Or Should He Go?

Rumors are flying about the inner circles in Valley Ranch pondering the release of Terrell Owens. I really do not know if this story has any legs or not, due to who is blabbing about it. One Ed Werder! I will go with the old saying “where there is … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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ESPN Fabricates Attack On Owens?

I spent my evening tonight driving from Houston to Dallas so that I can be with my father who is having surgery on Wednesday to remove a cancerous tumor from his colon. He was diagnosed with colon cancer just one week ago, as you can imagine it has … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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Receivers Attempting A Hostile Takeover

Just three days before the biggest game of the year for the Cowboys and all hell is breaking loose. Ed Werder of ESPN broke the story yesterday that the receiving corps (Led by T.O.) of the Dallas Cowboys are not happy with their lack of being involved in the … Read more

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Written by: Bryson Treece

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