Terence Newman Speaks … Maybe He Shouldn’t

Bryson Treece

Home » Cowboys News » Terence Newman Speaks … Maybe He Shouldn’t

Some of you are going to disagree with me on this, but Terence Newman is doing just a little much talking to the media. I mean first it was him talking about accountability in December when there was already plenty going on over T.O., Witten, and Romo, and now he’s been quoted a few times since the seasons end talking more of the same.

The problem in my eyes I that he’s being misquoted just as much as everyone else is. A problem for me is that he talks about how other players talk to the media a little too much, and here he goes doing the same thing himself.

Here’s a video of his most recent interview with WFAA in Dallas.

Now I can’t say that he is wrong on most of his points, but the guy starts talking about his teammates and how they complain, meaning the method by which they complain, verses how he complains, and all the while he’s in an interview doing the exact same thing. I hate to be the broken record but where’s his accountability?

I just wish that he hadn’t been misquoted already for his comments on Tony Romo and his love life … “Terence Newman: Relationship with Jessica Simpson takes away from Tony Romo being a QB” is the headline on the DMN Blog for this interview.

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