Tony Romo: The Jury Is In

Bo Martin

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Do you think Tony Romo is distracted by fame? Maybe you feel like Romo is in his make or break season, or just maybe, you think Romo is far overrated.  The chances that you can relate to these statements is about 90 percent.  I say that strictly because where ever you look 9 out of 10 fans are bashing Romo’s very existence.

Just recently I was rummaging through and read Mick’s latest article “Pressure Cooker” and it inspired me to do a little digging.  You see, Romo’s lack of post season production isn’t as frightening as one might imagine.  Though the outcry of fans would produce a different story.  I simply decided to compare the ever so scrutinized Romo with other NFL greats.  The results were just as I expected, Romo was leading the pack and the fair weather fans arguments were proven to be ridiculous.

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Clearly these statistics place Romo on comparable status with HOF caliber Quarterbacks.  So what gives? Why the criticism? I accredit it to one of two scenario’s.  1) The fans of today are too idiotic to realize that football is a game of growth and maturity and not a game of instantaneous success, and their ignorance far surpasses the need to gather information and statistics to help them understand the game, or 2) Tony Romo is simply just another victim of Dallas Cowboys Nation.  I can only really offer an explanation for one, since I can’t change the disposition of fans.

The Cowboys microscope has been in effect since the 70’s when Tom Landry decided to go with Roger Staubach as his starter over Craig Morton.  It then continued with Danny White, and claims of Troy Aikman “going soft” before winning another Super Bowl in 1995.  This to me says that no matter how talented and skilled a quarterback is, as a Cowboy he is doomed to being faced with the troubles of Hollywood. Here is where the problem lies, fans easily forget or become blind to the talent that truly lies in the quarterback that is leading their team.  Romo has displayed strong abilities in arm strength, pass accuracy, mobility, and throwing on the run, which elevates him to one of the only true balanced quarterbacks in the league.

It is my firm opinion that if Romo was on a handful of other teams he would be referred to as a gem and most certainly a franchise quarterback.  We need to realize the facts, we need to open our eyes, and realize that Romo is a worthy and talented leader for this team.  Facts speak for themselves.

9 thoughts on “Tony Romo: The Jury Is In”

  1. Bryan – very good points there. I especially like how Romo is not only comparable to the others in stats, but leads just about all of them. I also like how Romo has thrown far less INTs in proportion to TDs than the other three.

    Of course the others had more post season success, and that’s what really being judged. He was set as the savior of our dry run in the playoffs, and yet while everyone knows how good he is, we still haven’t won a playoff game since 1996.

  2. Bryson, I don’t mean to say your wrong, but the post season success for these quarterbacks didn’t come fast either. Peyton didn’t win a playoff game until after his fouth season, Aikman his third, and Montana won in his third season. This is only relevant because this is actually only Romo’s third season as starting quarterback.

  3. That’s what I was getting at as well. Everyone acts like his first years aren’t the same as the first years of the other three QBs because he was pumped up to be the one to finally get it done again.

    Thinking about it, maybe Peyton isn’t that great. He is the only one who took that long to win anything in the post season and he had a built and experienced team waiting for him. Romo and Aikman both had young teams that still needed some grooming.

  4. I couldn’t agree with you more, Peyton’s offense was tailor made and the pieces were already in place. You can argue that the same could go for Tom Brady who kind of had everything handed to him. Though his team has changed dramatically since his emergence, Brady had alot of pieces for him to succeed already in place.

    If you wanna argue that, you can compare it to what the Cowboys had in Julius Jones, an old Terry Glenn, and a young team that was in need of some major advancement. Romo’s done well with what he’s been given.

  5. Great article! please dont forget the greatest QB Roger Staubach
    And Romo runs a close second!
    This will be a cowboy year!

  6. I sure hope we can win a playoff game this year, i’ll be drunk for a month and finally can shove that shit in my friends face, seeing as there skins and giants fans. although I already talk mad shit to the skins ones cuz they haven’t done shit either lol

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