Things to forget, Things to fix

Bryson Treece

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Well it has been nine days since the ultimate choke job occurred, and I still have not gotten over the fact that the cowboys will not be playing in the super bowl. Then again none of us should be surprised! Dallas has not won a playoff game or finished a season with consecutive wins in so long that to talk about it makes me sick! This year was especially difficult with the way the Boys played all year and Then to have Elisha and the Giants ( a team we should have destroyed and did twice already) come in to Dallas not play well and still win! Well all they can do now is start addressing several key issues. First things First Mr. Jones it does not matter what you get but can you please send Roy “I can no longer tackle” Williams to anyone who will take him! This guy is the worst football player I have seen in a very long time, and how he continues to make pro bowls just blows my f**king mind. If I have to suffer through another season of continuously watching him slap his hands together and give that (what just happened!) look on his face after a third string tight end runs past him I am going to shoot myself. Secondly I love Patrick Crayton I think he is a very good receiver and he compliments T.O. and Witten very nicely but can you please tell him to shut the fuck up. I mean here is a guy who if you listen to him you would think he is the second coming of Ocho Cinco! problem is he has yet to make the big catch in a big game and it’s not because he has not gotten the opportunity he has gotten them and either just dropped the ball or gave up on the route! Crayton please shut your trap and catch the f**king ball leave the shit talking to someone with a little more experience (i.e. “getcha popcorn ready” ). Thirdly find someone , anyone to replace Reeves in the nickel! This guy is awful I mean absolutely awful! between him and Roy Willy your killing me! I can only hope that come training camp we are having conversations about a revamped secondary in Dallas as this was really our only weakness this year, don’t get me wrong our special teams units were not very good either but if I had a choice to fix one or the other I would most definitely start with the secondary.