Think Jason Garrett is a Robot? FOX Sports Agrees

Jess Haynie

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Cowboys fans have often complained that head coach Jason Garrett is too robotic in his demeanor, media answers, and constant clapping. Yesterday, with most of the country feeling Star Wars fever, FOX Sports tapped into the zeitgeist while also taking a little jab at Garrett’s robot reputation.

FOX Sports released photographs of several NFL personalities as Star Wars character. Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady were Jedis.  Bill Belichick, surprise-surprise, was a the evil Emperor.

Garrett… well….

From 2016 Coach of the Year to punchline, Garrett’s reputation has certainly taken a big swing this season. Things are so bad, they couldn’t give him a C-3PO with matching arms. Oh, the indignity.

Of course, this is all in good fun. Garrett has 12 and 13-win seasons in two of the last three years. 2017 could’ve been very different if not for Ezekiel Elliott’s legal issues and Sean Lee’s injury. And even now, there’s still a chance the Cowboys can sneak back into the playoffs.

Yes, Jason is repetitive. And yes, he’s no Bill Parcells behind a microphone. But could they at least have made him R2-D2?

At least FOX Sports didn’t make him Jar Jar Binks. That should go to Roger Goodell.

Just for fun, what other Star Wars characters would you compare Cowboys players and other staff members to? Maybe Sean Lee as Boba Fett, hunting down targets in the open field? Or maybe Cole Beasley as Luke, since they’re both a little short to be Stormtroopers.

Have any other good Cowboys/Star Wars comparisons? Share them in the comments!

7 thoughts on “Think Jason Garrett is a Robot? FOX Sports Agrees”

  1. Good gosh! What a bunch of out of touch idiots you guys at Fox Sports are!!! You have No Idea what he has done behind the scene to build this team and is doing! I guess since you have nothing real to report…you think up negative non-sense like this you have no idea about! Fox Sports, get you some guys who actually learn about what is truly going on…instead taking wild guesses! These guys you have wouldn’t make a pimple on a real reporters ass…CLUELESS!!!..LOL..

  2. I don’t mind the clapping and the blandness with the media. He seems to get the team focused on the thing right in front of them, and they play hard for him. He can get road wins also. The problem seems to be when the offense needs scheme and player adjustments, and no fixes are forthcoming.

    He has been given a contending team, and as long as that’s what they do he’ll hang around. But more slides like that last 3-game one, getting thoroughly beaten by team after team, then his well of support will run dry quickly.

    I’d dump him for Sean Payton in a second. Payton should be the head coach, but Jones let him walk to renew Parcells for 1 year.

    • I feel like Sean Payton shoulda been the coach seeing that he was responsible for Romo coming there. Sean woulda got us at least one ring by now, its bout to be 22 years and counting

  3. we should have had peyton or we should have had zimmer, you can thank the overrated parsmells for this one.

    both coaches left because of him being in dallas and he did absolutely nothing for us.

    i like garrett, i think he has done well building this team. i feel with better coordinators, he would be better and so would this team.

  4. Anyone remember Tom Landry (hall of fame coach)? The person who was the subject of a joke about a personality contest with Bud Grant (another hall of fame coach)? I’m not saying Garrett will be considered a hall of fame coach, but there is precedence for a coach who doesn’t pander to the press and who give intelligent – if cautious – answers at press conferences.

  5. Seriously, Garrett as a robot. What about Belichick’s postgame aura???…..”were moving on to the next team!”….ummm…”we are moving on to the next team”…..” we are concentrating on next week” —-> don’t forget the troll monotone!!…C’mon MAN!!

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