Time To Be Honest: Greg Hardy Is Bad, But He Isn’t Alone

The Dude

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It’s a fairly simple math problem.

Any man who can allow himself to physically harm a woman is a piece of shit.

Greg Hardy physically harmed a woman.

Thus, Greg Hardy is a piece of shit.

Say it with me: “Greg Hardy is a piece of shit.”

This is something I have privately felt for several months but publicly refrained from saying. After several private discussions with Cowboys fans who I hadn’t seen say this publicly, I know I’m not alone.

Before I jump too far into this, I want to make something crystal clear and this part is a personal belief of mine. People have stated they’re disappointed that Hardy has never given a public apology. My take on this is that it is very arrogant of people to want a public apology. The victim deserves an apology, you and I do not. For you and I to put ourselves on the level of pretending we deserve an apology when nothing happened to us is total arrogance. Nothing happened to you. Nothing happened to me. We don’t deserve an apology.

Moving on…

As a fan of the Cowboys, we find ourselves defending the team, the front office, the coaching staff, the players, etc, on a daily basis. Every new sunrise seems to bring a new thing that people want to bash the Cowboys for.

I had a friend tell me he was disappointed in the fact that I have gone easy on Hardy publicly. He pointed out to me that, with the following we have with @CowboysNation, we have a responsibility to be honest about this.

He was absolutely correct.

So here you go, here are some of the things I have felt and never publicly said:

When Randy Gregory fell into our lap, I hoped it meant that we could release Greg Hardy although I knew this wouldn’t be the case.

When Greg Hardy made his 9/11 joke in May, I privately hoped his time in Dallas would be over.

I think it’s obvious that Greg Hardy is a person with anger issues, who crossed an uncrossable line on May 12, 2014.

I want the Cowboys to win a Super Bowl, but in my head, I have pictured the words that would be said countless times, “You guys had to have a woman beater on the team to do it”.

I didn’t want that to be the takeaway if we won with him.

I want the takeaway to be about all the years with Tony Romo and Jason Witten and Jason Garrett and Jerry winning without Jimmy (or Jimmy’s players), I want to see the raw emotion we would get from Dez, etc.

I didn’t want any success to be publicly tarnished in the way we know it would be with Hardy on the team.

When I reached out to Hardy and asked him to donate to the airplane banner & Children’s Hospital we were helping to raise money for and he replied and donated, I thought “Okay, maybe he gets it. Maybe this is the start of trying to be the good guy.” So I started trying to positively build him up publicly.

Training Camp started and we saw the videos of Hardy getting along with teammates and fans. We heard stories about him being a leader with the team, pushing teammates to work harder, etc.

Things seemed to be moving in the right direction.

The season started and Hardy’s on-field talent immediately seemed like he might at least be worth the headache. “Maybe now the focus will be on his play”.

And then the game happened against the Giants. Rich Bisaccia. Clipboard. Hardy. Here we go again.

Oh and now pictures from May 2014 have been released.

And here come our instincts again. Defend the team. Defend the front office. Defend the players.

For me, exhausted from all of it, I was done defending Greg Hardy.

I put out 1 statement, spread over 11 tweets:

“All along, my stance has been “I don’t know what happened that night and neither do you”. While the release of pictures gives us a better idea of what happened that night, it doesn’t paint a different picture than what could have been reasonably expected to have been the case. Whatever happened, happened to and between Holder and Hardy. Nothing happened to YOU or ME and I say this specifically because I maintain my stance that Hardy owes us nothing. He doesn’t owe us an apology. My stance still remains that Hardy is a football player who clearly was responsible for a very bad situation in his past. Much like Vick and many others, Hardy went thru the legal process. If you’re mad that he isn’t in prison, then be mad at the people responsible for the case. The Cowboys/NFL have no control over the legal process. Speaking on behalf of the people behind this account, while we have favorite or least favorite players, we root for the Star. As mentioned 2 weeks ago, we will continue to focus more on on-field topics, because that is the entire point of what we do.”

I was ripped for this statement, with people saying I was defending Greg Hardy, despite the words “Hardy… clearly was responsible for a very bad situation in his past.” Somehow me saying I felt he was responsible was me defending him.

This statement caused people of “higher morals” to say some thoughtful things to me, here are just 2 of the highlights:

  • “Go buy a gun and kill yourself.”
  • “I hope you have a daughter and Hardy rapes and kills her.”

So thank you, to those hundreds of you that replied negatively, and especially those two people, thank you for taking the time to teach me how to be a better person.

Are you ready to see what a difference perspective makes?

Greg Hardy, who had been following @CowboysNation when I made that statement, blocked us after that statement.

I’m guessing Greg Hardy didn’t feel like those words were defending him.

One thing I am completely at a loss over, if you are upset about Greg Hardy playing in the NFL, why aren’t you also upset about:

  • Adrian Peterson – who assaulted his own child, still playing
  • Ahmad Brooks – facing sexual battery charges, still playing
  • Aldon Smith – hit and run, DUI, several prior arrests, still playing
  • Sheldon Richardson – recklessly driving at 143 mph to avoid arrest with a 12-year-old child in his car at the time, still playing
  • Bruce Miller – charged with domestic battery, still playing
  • Letroy Guion – felony firearm charges, still playing
  • D’Qwell Jackson – assault charges, still playing
  • Chris Johnson – illegally open-carrying a firearm, still playing
  • Tim Jennings – DUI, reckless driving, speeding, still playing
  • Junior Galette – domestic violence/battery, then signed by Redskins
  • Le’Veon Bell – DUI, still playing
  • Erin Henderson – DWI, still playing
  • Jo-Lonn Dunbar – battery and disorderly conduct, still playing
  • Mike Vick – murdered/tortured countless dogs because they couldn’t fight good enough, still playing
  • Henry Melton – assault, still playing
  • Ben Roethlisberger – accused of sexual assault, still playing
  • Marcell Dareus – reckless endangerment, still playing
  • Chris Culliver – hit-and-run and rammed a witness’ vehicle, still playing
  • Frank Clark – domestic violence, then drafted by Seattle, still playing

I only included situations where the player physically harmed someone (domestic violence, battery, etc, allegedly or otherwise) or could have physically harmed someone (DUI, reckless endangerment, etc, allegedly or otherwise).

I could go on and on with this list. I could continue typing that list for hours, as the San Diego Union-Tribune has an easily accessible log of 809 NFL player arrests. (http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/nfl/arrests-database/)

While many people will talk about Hardy not spending time in prison, in comparison to a situation like Vick, the legal system and the NFL are 2 completely separate things, so let’s treat them as such.

The list I posted should be enough for you to realize that if you’re only upset about Hardy playing in the NFL, you’re missing a larger problem.

Personally, I think Greg Hardy is an absolute piece of shit and I think the majority of the names on the list above are also pieces of shit.

Now, I ask you, if you’re only talking about Greg Hardy, why aren’t you talking about all the people on that list? Do you not care about their victims/potential victims? I sure do.

I would hope you care as much about every victim equally and not care about 1 just because of a uniform and the headlines that come along with being negative about the Cowboys.

I promise you, if you make this campaign about all the scum in the league, I’ll be screaming the loudest in agreement with you. When you look like you only care about 1 guy it makes you look like you only care about 1 victim.

Let that sink in.

If you’re only talking about 1 guy, it makes you look like you only care about 1 of the victims, and that’s a bad, hypocritical look to have.

Speaking to Cowboys fans:

I understand your conundrum. We grew up rooting for the Star. We’ve spent years defending the Star. The daily barrage of criticism to Romo or the Cowboys, etc has created an instinct that makes us feel like we have to defend EVERYTHING. We don’t.

It is ok to root for the Star and still say Greg Hardy is a piece of shit.

11 thoughts on “Time To Be Honest: Greg Hardy Is Bad, But He Isn’t Alone”

  1. Agree completely. Great story. I have yet to understand why he is treated as Satan himself when so many others get a pass. Other than the obvious reason that he plays for America’s most easily hated team in all of sports. If it was Robert Kraft and Bill Bellichick them there wouldn’t be nearly as much public outcry, but he plays for Dallas and everyone loves to hate them and Jerry.

    • Yep. Lot of vitriol when it comes to the smallest slights by anyone wearing a star. Hardy did something bad, so did a lot of other people that I watched fans holler all over Twitter for Dallas to sign. People need to take a step back, a.k.a. pull their heads out of their asses. Thanks for reading, Randy.

  2. Finally. All those players listed are pieces of shit including ray lewis (yes the Ravens hero that killed someone). People say AP was just “disciplining” his son and that is somehow different from hardy. The way I see it the 4 year old can’t defend himself or call the Cops unlike Holder but fans give AP a hallpass. Yes he’s an absolute piece of shit but plenty of players have done worse and still suit up on Sundays.

  3. Your logic reminds me of the fourth graders I taught. When I called a students out on what they were doing, they would say, “But Johnny’s doing it, too.” There are plenty of other players who deserve our scorn. Just because the Greg Hardy case is the one that breaks the camel’s back, doesn’t give the Cowboys a pass.

  4. Great story but unfortunately I totally disagree with u calling everyone a piece of shit. Let me just say up front I DO NOT Agee with violence domestic violence at all as my mother and father were victims of it. And I believe everyone should have their day in court to let the law decide the punishment. Everyone deserves a second chance because EVERYONE INCLUDING ALL IF YOU AND MYSELF, have made mistakes. Now the severity of the mistakes might be completely different from one case to another. Half of the people that are condeming Hardy are the ones that are saying they love AP or Tom Brady. Niw comparing the 2 offenses is a bit tricky, as most if u would say how do you compare Hardy and AP to Brady, well all their TERRIBLE decisions had an impact on other peoples lives. Brady set out to gain an advantage to win a playoff game and get back to the super bowl. Ok this was premeditated, which in turn can destroy hund re ds of lives. How you say? Imagine u are a die hard colts fan and you just know they are going to beat the Patriots so you go and bet(legally) your entire months pay on the Colts and Tom Brady deflates the balls to win the game, and also takes jobs away from people in Colts home town as this ended their playoff run. That could impact.alot of people’s lives. Then you look at Hardy and APS cases which obviously i dont have to explain how this affects others lives. Yes I have been criticized before for comparing these but wrong is wrong. OK so you say Brady didn’t do it? Ok, Hardy never got his “official ” day in court. If there’s a problem with that then you need to address the state of North Carolina as that is their law. So are they the same severity wise? Wrong is wrong no matter what the case is, even if it is the golden boy or golden coach. So before you rush to judge and say these people shouldn’t be in the nfl and they are a piece if shit ask yourself if you were running a business and you had a GREAT, DIFFERENCE MAKING EMPLOYEE, that had so charges for domestic violence (away from work and charges were dropped no matter what the reason) or even got fired from previous job for breaking the rules. Or even heaven forbud it was a relative of yours. Would you not give this person the chance to redeem him or herself. And as for do i want this guy to be a role model fir my child? No i dont, I WANT TO BE THE ROLE MODEL FOR MY CHILD and it all starts at home with you as the parents and myself. Just remember “HE WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE”

    • I. LOVE. YOU! I’m the most manliest, macho type of way. Your comment and this article proves how unfair people are because of the team a player plays for. I like his take and I like your take better, because you believe in not calling people out of their name, and you believe in second chances. A very few people don’t deserve one, but most do. Thank you for attempting to make people realize what a better world we could be, only if we can forgive the ones who deserve it.

  5. Very well expressed. I agree with everything you said and while he may be a piece of shit now, he deserves a chance to redeem himself. Ruining his life and career serves no purpose beyond vengeance. Maybe you feel like he deserves it but I would challenge that if you are willing to take it there , there is nothing he could have done to change your mind. I’m as pissed about his actions as you but I also understand that a singular moment where I acted really poorly doesn’t define my worth. M

    • A singular moment when he acted poorly is one thing, having it in his character to hit a woman is quite another.

      Regardless, reading the article it’s clear that Mike makes the above distinction and also says we aren’t owed anything by Greg Hardy. The problem with this sort of thing that people are riled up over the details of the wrong and forget to look at the good, or at the very least, the not bad.

      Ruining his career and life is not what the article condones, implied or otherwise. Don’t be like the masses who read one sentence and shut their high logic down for the day. Read everything if you’re going to read anything, but read everything especially before you say anything. Too much of that hotheadedness going around and making the situation worse. Hardy deserves a second chance but real men don’t forgive such a big mistake. It’s not personal, just about knowing that he’s willing to cross a line the men I respect wouldn’t dare approach, let alone cross it.

      And then there’s money…

      I wonder who got paid for the pictures? Conveniently, they were released just days after His Record Was Expunged, obviously trying to inflame the situation. All I can be sure of is that it wasn’t Holder or anyone on her behalf, not unless she wants to give the money back. But so what, Deadspin? Pictures don’t change anything about this case beyond touching an emotional nerve in people who otherwise weren’t capable of figuring out what the bruises looked like. We’ll stick with intelligent readers, you can have the rest.

      Thanks for reading, Mike.

  6. Admirable effort to deflect blame – but it is nonsense.

    When you go to court for a speeding ticket to you whine & sulk about all the speeders who don’t get tickets?” Try that in court and see what the response is – and you’ll be able to understand our response: ► SO WHAT? ◄

    Do we think Michael Vick is a terrible person? Yep (but at least he served time). Does that have anything do with Greg Hardy beating the **** out of his defenseless ex-girlfriend? ► NO. ◄ (Hopefully you already knew that.)

    The fact that you use this intellectually dishonest argument speaks volumes about how you perceive the problem of dating violence (as well as the value you place on value compared to human rights). Unfortunately this is a serious issue which is not being addressed in a responsible manner.

    We all have a responsibility to put a stop to this bad behavior and you do nobody any favors by acting as public apologist for this coward who will forever be remembered as the abuser that he is.

  7. This is nonsense. Even if he accepted the original judges punishment it included NO JAIL TIME and 3 years probation.
    Unlike most if not all of you cry babies ive actually done something about domestic violence. I understand the emotions the dynamics of it all. Ive both been there and dealt with the aftermath(s) of it all.
    I clicked cuffs on pieces of shits and ive clicked cuffs on guys defending themselves a bit to much. Ive served orders of protections against guys who are *normal* but violate it due to the again the dynamics of the situation(s).
    Ive worked in jails. Im on a first name basis with pieces of shit. I dont know hardy at all … but i lean towards not. Onky his future actions will help us judge that. But ive been deep in domestic issues and until you do that you have no idea.
    Bit premature to call him a piece.of shit …

  8. Block me all you want but I was right you know. All you have to do if you think he is a piece of shit is stop mentioning him.

    Also i’d send him his 300 dollars back.

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