Time to see where this takes us

Bryson Treece

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For the love of God, will people please quit saying that next year will be a bust just because Wade Phillips will be the head coach?

Either people say he has never won a playoff game, or that he is a puppet for Jerry, or that he is too soft on his players; get off it!

Since you all like these reports so much from the likes of ESPN and the Dallas Morning News Cowboys Blog then read what they keep saying about the fines for players being late. Wade tried to get the fines increased, but Jerry said no.

And what kind of sense does it make to suggest that Wade’s win record anywhere else determines what this team can and/or will do? Did we not go 13-3 last year? Did we not have a winning record this year in spite of all the drama, distractions, and injuries that make an impact on any team? Of course we did, so give him the credit fully, not just the blame. It all comes down to the coach right?

As for Jason Garrett being the head coach of this team … you do realize that no matter how tough he is, no matter how much like Parcels he is, Jerry is still going to be Jerry right? And Jerry pulled rank on Parcels when he signed Owens. So if Parcels himself couldn’t control it, then how is a junior Parcels going to do any better?

I understand the need to find a reason, to figure out why this year was what it was. Even I’m doing the same thing on this blog, but let’s be real about it folks. It is rare to find a team chemistry that doesn’t take time and work to perfect, and when it does happen you end up with three Lombardi trophies in four years, and a NFC Championship game away from 4 in a row.

Changing personnel on a such a drastic level, and make no mistake about it, changing your head coach is always drastic as far as changes go, every couple of years prohibits chemistry from sparking anything more than a flame-out.

If everyone is so quick to potentially throw next season away to see what Garrett can do as captain of the ship, then let Wade have his final year with some staffing changes, maybe it’ll work out better.

Every new coach likes to bring in his guys for the assistant positions, and Wade was no different. Well, his defensive coordinator and specials teams guys didn’t pan out so well. So now, with a tough replacement in DeCamillis and whoever they hire to run (or co-run) the defense, let’s see if maybe the two fired coaches had anything to do with the problems on this team.

It doesn’t take a head coach to be “the” leader of the team, it can be anyone. Any of the coaches can instill discipline into the whole team, and DeCamillis certainly has the history to fit that bill.

They say that a veteran on the field usually gets the attention of his teammates, well maybe Zach Thomas did just that, and maybe they picked up on his unhappiness about his position. If happiness is a cure, then what is unhappiness? A disease.

My point, in all of this; just see what happens. We’d be doing it if the fair-weather fans got their way, so let’s do it while Jerry gets his way.

I’m a Cowboys fan and I stand behind every dumb decision that is made at Valley Ranch, I just don’t agree with all of them.