Tony Romo breaks his silence

Bryson Treece

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Was it an attempt to quell the ever widening witch hunt that was mounting in his silence? Or was it simply a frustrated quarterback finally feeling up to a media chit-chat? Your call.

But reading the new story on DMN last night made me feel better about the comments Tony Romo made after the blowout loss to Philly this past Christmas. “If this is the worst thing that ever happens to me, then I’ll have lived a pretty good life” Romo said after the game.

Not exactly the words of a warrior, and certainly not what the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys should ever be saying. This prompted Troy Aikman to offer his opinion on the matter while speaking Michael Irvin on his radio show.

“I think maybe things happened so quickly for Tony in terms of obscurity to all of a sudden national spotlight that he hasn’t fully grasped what being the Cowboys quarterback is all about. And you don’t go to Cabo the week before a playoff game. You just don’t do it.

“To say, ‘I don’t worry about perception,’ you better worry about perception because it is a big part of making it through some very difficult times.”

This coming from a man that has being the Dallas Cowboys quarterback down to a science. It’s good advice that Tony will likely hear considering its source.

Through his still young career, we’ve seen a couple of different sides to Romo. Under Parcells he was very determined, a little quite, and was the first person to accept blame for the offense.

This past season though, we saw a lot less discipline from him. We saw more of the celebrity quarterback that no one likes.

It’s likely a result of coaching, and the absence of Bill Parcels. But I think that Parcels liked this guy for a reason, and Tony will live up to that soon and get back on track to being this team’s leader.

Nice to hear from Romo on the subject, either way.