Tony Romo Slated to Play Against Ravens in Week 2

Bryson Treece

Home » Cowboys News » Tony Romo Slated to Play Against Ravens in Week 2

If you’re anything like me, then you’ve been itching to get a look at Tony Romo on the field this year. Back injuries are no joke, often requiring many months of rehab and becoming a permanent status for a player. Add to it that Romo is just a few years shy of retirement age.

We know that this team has a serviceable backup in Brandon Weeden, possibly even good – not great – after the San Diego performance, but serviceable is a horrifying thought for a quarterback on a team with the kind of defensive hurdles this team faces in 2014. Most of the optimism surrounding this team’s record predictions has a heart set on the high-scoring offense they’re quite capable of being. So what happens if Romo doesn’t hold up?

Well folks, we’re about to find out.

Todd Archer, at reports that #9 will make his 2014 debut this Saturday in Arlington against the Baltimore Ravens.

“I think you have to play in the preseason,” Romo said. “Obviously, some people can’t, but I do know from my perspective, this game is not just something where you can show up and think that you can do it.” – Todd Archer,

Archer says that, as of Tuesday, head coach Jason Garrett wouldn’t commit to playing Romo against Baltimore, but there is some precedence.

“Coach Jason Garrett did not commit to Romo playing against the Ravens when asked earlier Tuesday, but last year Romo skipped the Cowboys’ first preseason game and saw action in two series in the second game.” – Todd Archer,

And that’s exactly what I’m expecting to see out of Romo – a series or two. I also expect more of the first-teamers to get on the field with Romo, and then with Weeden to get a better look at how he’s doing. I hate to say it, because of what it means for the season if it were to happen, but at this point, Weeden’s development in the new system has far too much potential to bear the weight of the season to not vet him thoroughly.

Then again, this may just be the wishful thinking of a quarterback desperate to prove himself after the latest in a string of injuries the last five years. We’ll see on Saturday.