Tony Romo: Whatever Comes Next, It’s Been A Great Ride

Bo Martin

Home » Cowboys News » Tony Romo: Whatever Comes Next, It’s Been A Great Ride

Well, Cowboys Nation, It’s been a wild ride. A ride with optimism, heartbreak and even some breathtaking moments. A ride that had — at times — divided the fan base. A ride that we’ll always regret having overlooked… 78 wins, 34,154 yards, and 247 touchdowns later, here we are. The Tony Romo Era has ended.

No matter where you stand on the issue, there is no denying Tony Romo deserves to be mentioned among the best Cowboys of all time. Aside from his legendary statistics and his franchise records, Romo was a cerebral leader who always gave the team an opportunity to win.

Now, as we usher in the Dak Prescott era officially, it’s bittersweet to watch Romo put his all out there for his team one more time. To swallow his pride, his legacy, and humbly take a step back for the future of the franchise to shine.

Love him or hate him, that has always been Tony.

The reality is that at this given moment, Romo might be the best quarterback on the roster. Hell, I’d be hard-pressed to give you seven quarterbacks better than Romo in the league right now. Yet, all things considered, Dak has the chemistry with the team and the hot-hand right now (you can’t overlook eight wins), and, in his last selfless moment, Romo put the team first and rightly gave his support to the future regime.



What we saw from Tony Romo yesterday was something we don’t get to view often — class.

This league has been tainted with bad attitudes and selfish role models chasing personal fame or paychecks. Romo has personally faced countless critics and a thankless fan base; but despite all that, he remains that guy we can point out to our kids as a true role model. He never got caught up in his contract, never got caught in Vegas on a binge. Outside of a few games of golf, he came to work every day and got better.

Next year, Tony Romo will likely be with another team. He may be wearing orange and blue along with DeMarcus Ware. While it may seem like the automatic reaction to root against him, remember all he’s done here, remember what he’s meant for the franchise these last 10 years, remember what he’s meant for your fandom — because it’s more than winning or losing.

Tony Romo will always embody what being a Dallas Cowboys is. He’s a winner — both on the field and off of it — and when all is said and done, he deserves to be in the Ring Of Honor because of it.

That’s my quarterback…

** Editor’s Note: This article was written by a Guest Contributor and special friend to Inside The Star, a man who dedicated years to making this site and @CowboysNation what it is today. Thanks, Bo, for stopping by.

5 thoughts on “Tony Romo: Whatever Comes Next, It’s Been A Great Ride”

  1. Sorry brother… If you want to live n write in “la la land” than you go right ahead. But if reality, no, that’s not the Romo reality knows…

    He’s held the reigns solely because of Jerry. And everyone knows Jerry doesn’t know crap…

    And so, Jerry’s puppets(cough) coaches, have had no choice but to play Romo.

    Romo has had the physical ability, yes… But by the same token, not the cerebral mind for this game.

    The same Romo that exhibits mental mistakes, huge gaffes, and unreal boneheaded mistakes, is the same Romo playing when those mistakes, etc, are not so in-ur-face.

    In other words, he is a mistake. In terms of Elite QB, Top 5, heck, Top 8,9…n Franchise Qb. Heck, only in Jerry’s crazy n unrealistic world is someone elite or capable of doing a great job.

    How many times has that happened? A 1000, give or take 2?!!!

    Romo is a career backup yet starting for all these yrs.

    He was forced down Fans throat as Cowboys QB. Heck, he really did have more power than Wade, JG n heck, even Parcels… That only happens in Jerry’s world!!

    It’s foolish, ridiculous n fantasyland opinions to say he is or was elite n/or Top 3 as this article insinuates.

    Look at what could’ve been if Cowboys or Jerry had his head out his *** n we drafted or acquired a True, Franchise QB?!!

    A Dak or one of these QBs that have been had over the yrs, 2006, 07′. The OL was there, the D, etc… But everytime, Romo would crumble, crack or make enough mistakes to lose the game…

    It is what it is… I don’t like laying out the truth like this, but just as much, can’t stand for ridiculous comments n articles that twist the truth because they’re biased in so many ways.

    It’s a disservice to Cowboys fans. Because they go on spewing such ridiculousness n sound highly foolish. Then have many pundits, analysts laughing at Cowboys fans day in n day out. Stephan A. Smith ring a bell…

  2. Smash mouth you are clearly clueless and have not been watching the same games that everyone else has. You sound bitter you must be an imposter from another one of the NFC East punching bags.

  3. I would follow Tony into battle any day of the week….whatever team he goes to next….I will own a Romo jersey of that team….and root for him….even against my Cowboys.

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