Upcoming here at A Cowboy Nation

Bryson Treece

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Well football time is here again! So Lee and I have decided that it is time for us to either continue with this blog or quit! After debating for just a little bit we have come to the conclusion that we are going to put forth the effort to make this blog worth reading.

We have devised a plan to help us keep each other motivated and accountable. For the upcoming season Lee is going to tackle the goings on of the offensive side of the team, hopefully providing us with in-depth breakdowns of each and every game. As for me I will be taking on the defensive side of team. I am going to try my very best to not cuss Roy Willy each and every week! I said try, that’s all I can do is try!

On a joint task every week Lee and I will be writing two posts. One post will be our “Slug of the week”, this award will be given to the person who deserves to be taken out behind the wood shed! So in all fairness we will also be giving our “MVP of the week” this award will be given to the person who should be taken on an all expense paid trip to the Iguana club!

I will also be posting throughout the year about our rookie class. I am going to either do a rookie of the week or month post. Not sure yet how often I will do that, but I will keep you posted. Along these same lines Lee is working on some; well let’s say very humorous posts that I think everyone will get a good laugh out of.

We are going to try to get a few posts in before the start of the regular season. Primarily though we will be working out the kinks for our regular season posts. This year is setting up to be a great football season, and hopefully we can keep you all interested. If anyone has anything that you would like to see us post about please let us know and we will see what we can do.