[VIDEO] “We Still Dem Boyz #SacksComin” Banner Over Eagles Camp

Bryson Treece

Home » Cowboys News » [VIDEO] “We Still Dem Boyz #SacksComin” Banner Over Eagles Camp

Most of you know the story already of how the banner came to be. Cowboys Nation rallied behind @VoiceoftheStar and @DCBlueStar‘s rebuttal to an Eagles fan attempting to gain donations to pay for a “We Got DeMarco” banner to be flown over Cowboys training camp today and blew those Eagles fan out of the water… With Their Own Idea!

Within a few hours, they hit their goal. @CowboysNation took the campaign to Greg Hardy’s Twitter account (@OverlordKracken) asking for his support and he responded back with confirmation of his $300.00 donation to the campaign on GoFundMe.

Hardy’s contribution took the total from around $1,200 over the needed $1,350 (with GFM Fees) and started off what is still an ongoing effort to donate to the Children’s Medical Center in Plano, TX.

And finally, today the banner flew. @DCBlueStar posted video from Eagles fans at the stadium during training camp today on her Facebook account:


Since the banner flew over Philly, Eagles fans have been going a little, well… they’re being typical Eagles fans.

Eagles fans have been tweeting their outrage over the banner flying during the singing of the National Anthem, you can hear the uncoordinated efforts of some fans to chant “Dallas Sucks” on parts of the video above.

I’ll admit that the timing could have been better, but it wasn’t a slight on our Nation’s anthem. But what I find hilarious about all of this is the very fan base faking outrage over the issue is the very same fan base that regularly boos during the singing of our National Anthem.

The real issue is that they got beat at their own game and can do nothing but spew more ugliness on social media about their hated rival and division superiors, the Dallas Cowboys.

Anyway, from everyone here at Inside The Star, thanks, @VoiceoftheStar & @DCBlueStar, for organizing the campaign and seeing it through. Well done!