WATCH: CB Orlando Scandrick Says Tony Romo Is Better Than 90% Of Starters

RJ Ochoa

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We’ll always remember the 2017 Cowboys Offseason as the one where everybody had an opinion on what to do about the Tony Romo situation. It’s a subject that’s combative, complicated, and sometimes a little touchy. Everyone feels the need to interject their two cents whether it’s on Twitter, Facebook, the Inside The Star comments, or in the case of Dallas Cowboys cornerback Orlando Scandrick on FS1’s Undisputed where he said that Tony Romo is better than 90% of starting quarterbacks.

Now for what it’s worth Orlando Scandrick did just join Twitter, so maybe he’s new to this whole “state your opinions so that the whole world can see them” thing. Scandrick has actually been making the media rounds lately. He appeared on ESPN’s First Take on March 23rd, and five days later he left it for FS1’s Undisputed just like Skip Bayless did. Whatever your thoughts are of either program, I’d wager you aren’t exactly dvr-ing them to watch later, what Orlando said is of high interest to Cowboys Nation these days.

“I got the utmost respect for Tone (presumably Tony Romo). I love Tone. He handled the situation great. He rehabbed, I mean he came to work every day and when he was able to practice and play he came to practice and he brought it every day. And I think that was a part of what helped us as a defense – he made us better. He was the scout team quarterback. He brought it. He was better than some of the starters, he’s better than 90% of the starters.”

It’s understandable that Orlando Scandrick would show great admiration, as would anyone really, for Tony Romo rehabbing and working just to be able to come back. In case you don’t remember, Orlando himself missed the entire 2015 season thanks to a torn ACL and MCL that he suffered at Training Camp. He knows the grind and toll it takes on a person to come back at an older age, Scandrick is 30, so him giving props to Romo is a nice thing.

Orlando Scandrick, Tony Romo
Orlando Scandrick and Tony Romo have been Dallas Cowboys teammates since 2008. They’ve experienced success, failure, and adversity all while wearing the same uniform.

Let’s fully dissect what Scandrick said, though. He said that Tony Romo is better than 90% of starters. I’ll save those of you who are not too fond of math the time here, that means that Tony Romo would be among the Top 3 NFL starters. I love Tony Romo as much as the next card-carrying member of Cowboys Nation, but is that true? Tom Brady and Aaron Rodgers easily come to mind as quarterbacks superior to Romo, is ‘ol Number Nine really the next best among all NFL starting quarterbacks?

Orlando Scandrick’s loyalty surely is admirable, and maybe he’s trying to do “Tone” a solid by hyping him up on a nationally televised show, despite the fact that Undisputed struggles for ratings but hey facts or whatever. Scandrick has more in common with Romo than the fact that they’ve both experienced injuries, he’s one of the most tenured members of the Dallas Cowboys when it comes to life with Tony Romo as your quarterback. Orlando was drafted in 2008 and had learned to count on Romo just as much as we all had, making the transition to Dak Prescott surely an emotionally difficult one for him as well.

Speaking of the NFL’s Offensive Rookie of the Year, Orlando Scandrick spent plenty of time praising him while on Undisputed. According to Orlando Scandrick, Dak Prescott is the first one in the building and the last to leave. He’s a leader, calm, cool, collected, and supremely humble. Basically Dak Prescott is the most perfect quarterback humanly – or perhaps inhumanly – possible, and Orlando Scandrick wanted to let us all know that. Good for you, O.

Orlando Scandrick is going to have to adjust to a lot of change in 2017. The Dallas secondary lost Brandon Carr, Barry Church, Morris Claiborne, and JJ Wilcox all to Free Agency over the last month. The veteran of the secondary is going to have to step up and lead some new pups in what we all hope is an improved unit of the Cowboys defense. The question that remains to be answered though is whether or not Orlando Scandrick and Co. will be going up against a quarterback who is better than 90% of NFL starters in Tony Romo while Romo wears another uniform.

5 thoughts on “WATCH: CB Orlando Scandrick Says Tony Romo Is Better Than 90% Of Starters”

  1. I’d agree that this is a bit of Star love from Scan. But he isn’t far off. I’d say that Romo is there among the top 6.

    Brady, Rodgers, Brees, Luck, and then maybe Romo.

    Still floors me that the Houston Texans haven’t made an offer that Dallas could refuse. They are ready to win a Super Bowl, but are gambling that ability to win by playing poker with the Dallas Cowboys and Tony Romo.

    If I’m the Houston GM, I called once the Free Agency period opened and offered a third. When Dallas countered with a second, I would have said deal. Then went and made some money and potentially won a super bowl.

    • I think Denver and Houston are playing chicken with Dallas. They know Dallas has to release him so they are waiting. But, Dallas has no incentive to release him now. They gain nothing. Let’s say they release him now. And Dak gets into an auto accident. Or Dak slips and breaks his arm ? Or Dak fails a drug test or gets accused of domestic violence. So why release Romo any earlier then needed ?

      • But that’s the thing, Dallas doesn’t have to release him. They can string this out as long as they’d like to. If Houston is really serious about this, then they need to just make it happen. There is no sense in playing the waiting game only to be outbid by another franchise.

  2. Well his last healthy year he was not just better than 90% of the other starters. He was better than 100% of the other starters as he finished first in QB ratings just beating out Aaron Rodgers. The question is not his ability. Its his age and his health.

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