WATCH: Dez Bryant Shakes Nolan Carroll For A Touchdown

Kevin Brady

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Dallas Cowboys wide out Dez Bryant shook cornerback Nolan Carroll out of his shoes during yesterday’s practice, back-peddling into the end zone and stunting on the veteran defensive back.

Carroll was brought in to be a veteran replacement for departing free agents Brandon Carr and Morris Claiborne, but there hasn’t been much positive news about him during training camp.

I’d rather focus on the fun part of this video, however, as Dez Bryant appears to be fully healthy and ready to go in the 2017 season. On this rep he uses a stutter step off his release to catch Carroll in a back-pedal at first. Once Carroll engages, Bryant muscles him out of the way using a quick inside-out move.

This is why playing man-press on Dez is not a very good idea for defensive backs. I cannot wait to see what this version of Bryant will do to teams come September.

1 thought on “WATCH: Dez Bryant Shakes Nolan Carroll For A Touchdown”

  1. There’s a joke to be made about Carroll being on the wrong side of the road again, but I’m too classy for that.

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