Welcome To My Fanatical Disdain For The Dallas Cowboys

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For my first article, I wanted to write something that would grab the attention of all Cowboys Nation readers, but also introduce myself to them in a powerful way. I have a pretty big arsenal of scouting reports that I’d be more than happy to publish, but I was trying to come up with a better, more meaningful approach. Then it hit me. Write about how much you love this team. Write about how you love it so much, that others would find it crazy how much you love them. No, write about how you hate them because you love them so much.


I feel like if we were to poll Cowboys Nation about all of the things they’ve endured while being a fan of this team, we’d receive varying results depending on how passionate they are.

For example, if you’re a casual fan (like I am about baseball), you may say something like, “I hate it when we lose, but once I get a bowl of ice cream, I’m usually fine.” Whereas if you were a die-hard, like I consider myself to be, you could venture to say that the Dez catch was a deep burning in your soul that has since scarred over, but has never really, truly healed.

I mean, seriously, how is this not a catch?

Cowboys Headlines - Welcome To My Fanatical Disdain For The Dallas Cowboys 2If you’re on this fanatical level that I live on, the world of Cowboys fandom is a cold place. I was born in the early 90s when we were the best team in the league. Since then, through all my years of being a fan, we’ve never been able to return to that level of prestige.

I hate the Cowboys for constantly making me look forward to a season, and then letting me down. I hate feeling like we constantly remain in the race to win the East, and then lose in week 17.

Please don’t think that this is only a feeling I get in the last week of the season. Far from it.I hate that before EVERY game, I get that roller coaster feeling in my stomach and can’t stop making paths in my carpet from incessant pacing. I’m still bandaging the rug burn. I hate the anxiety that I feel when this team is kicking off and they take the field for the first time in the game.

Cowboys Headlines - Welcome To My Fanatical Disdain For The Dallas Cowboys 1I’d like to thank Dez for displaying my behavior when the Cowboys lose.

I can’t remember the last time I did anything else on a Sunday afternoon in the fall besides watching the Cowboys play. I catch so much crap from some of my non-football watching friends (I call these type of people “insane”). I hate that I have to plan my life around this passion.

The winter of my first semester in college I worked as a sales associate at Best Buy. When the work schedule came out for the holidays, I saw that I was scheduled to work during a Cowboys game. Even though I was able to catch the first 15 minutes of the game, it wasn’t the same. I tried my best to keep up with the game throughout my shift, but between the constant bitching from my manager, the absolutely awful cell signal I got in my section of the store, and the crap Wi-Fi that Best Buy had, I wasn’t able to.

That was the last day I worked at Best Buy.

I’ve missed weddings and ended relationships because of the Cowboys. I’ve quit a job and planned my life around this team. I hate that I’m a prisoner of my passions, but at the same time they’re who I am. They’re what I love to do.

Cowboys Headlines - Welcome To My Fanatical Disdain For The Dallas CowboysI’ve had a girlfriend for seven years, and I want to get married in Cowboys stadium (she’s down, we’ve already talked about it), on the star at center field. I make new friends all the time from my passion of covering this team. I worked my butt off in college to get a good degree so that I could get a Monday through Friday job that supplies me with an income which allows me to surround myself with this team.

I watch the Cowboys every Sunday because it’s what I love to do. I get my hopes up every fall because it’s what I love to do. My hatred is my love, and the Cowboys are my passion.

So I guess what I’m trying to say is, I hate the Dallas Cowboys because I love the Dallas Cowboys.

I hope this article gives you a good idea of who I am, and what I’m about. I hope I grabbed your attention and that you’ll continue to read my posts. I pour hours into watching scouting tape and doing everything I can to educate myself about this team. I’d love to hear your feedback, talk Cowboys football, NFL football, the Draft, or whatever!

You can hit me up on Twitter @BleedingTheStar.

So, from one Cowboys fan to another, thanks so much for reading my first second post, and HOW ‘BOUT THEM COWBOYS!

1 thought on “Welcome To My Fanatical Disdain For The Dallas Cowboys”

  1. Great article! I will tell you what burns me… lack of coaching staff….. what we have for a "HC" isn't HCing material… he's proven that over and over. The owner who says one thing but does something in total disagreement with his statement… this has been an ongoing issue for 20 years… I used to feel how you do when they lose but after 35 years I've learned that it's a thing I do for a few hours… 🙂 Keep writing!! Awesome job!

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