What a Game! Super Bowl XLIII, Steelers vs Cardinals

Bryson Treece

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That was such a good game, all the way through. You couldn’t tell for sure who was going to come away with it, but by the end we sure knew the answer.

Maybe I’ll be blasted for trying to find an excuse, but I don’t think that’s what it is. Maybe those refs need better screens on the sidelines, or just better glasses, but that Holmes TD to win it for Pittsburgh was not a catch. Look at his feet, with the way his right foot was lying on top of his left foot, there is no way he could’ve gotten it down.

It would require one foot to be an inch longer than the other, and there was a camera angel that showed it, but maybe it takes more than 50 inches of HD vision to spot it; I don’t know.

I’ll even concede the fumble with 5 seconds to go even though Warner’s arm was moving forward, his control of the ball was questionable with the ball against his shoulder pad before it popped out.

But there you have it, the Steelers have won a sixth Super Bowl, maybe it was payback for a few years ago with the bad call against the Raiders, who knows.

5 thoughts on “What a Game! Super Bowl XLIII, Steelers vs Cardinals”

  1. I agree – I’m waiting for someone to release the side-view photo that shows Holmes’ right toe never touched. I’m not saying this would have changed the outcome, but it’s clear that this was not a catch.

  2. And that’s a great point! It may not have done anything to rule that play incomplete other than cause the Steelers to go another down.

    I’m still just … pissed … about the calls in the final 2 minutes of that game. Not to mention James Harrison thuggin it out in front of the world (except the refs apparently).

    Even Madden said he should have been thrown out for that, and my take on it is that Madden represents the NFL for a reason, and Goodell will likely agree with him to some extent. I just hope it’s enough to put an end to that kind of on the field behavior from the so-called top players in the league.

  3. One more point on that catch (not), I found a site earlier that did have that angle you mentioned, from the back of the end zone up close. The NFL had already gotten it pulled for copyright infringement by the time I got there. Seems a little strange that they would pull that video since it either tells everyone to shut up and that the call was right, or it shows that they have some ass whippins to hand out to some zebras.

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