What Do The Cowboys Need From The Giants Over The Next 2 Weeks?

RJ Ochoa

Home » Cowboys News » What Do The Cowboys Need From The Giants Over The Next 2 Weeks?

The Dallas Cowboys are the best team in the NFL. This is life in 2016, and it is awesome.

Some teams don’t have the luxury of being 10-1 – what a bunch of losers – and are frantically trying to win every game in hopes of being relevant come playoff time. One of the teams that fits this description is our NFC East rivals, the New York Giants.

The G-Men are currently trailing the Cowboys in the NFL’s most storied division and have a date with the Cleveland Browns today. They are 7-3 and a win, which they will get if we’re being honest, would put them at 8-3. What does this mean beyond the obvious two-game gap?

Week 13 (next week for all those still full on Thanksgiving turkey) will see the Cowboys travel to Minnesota and the Giants travel to Pittsburgh. The Vikings will be coming off of seven days rest just like the Cowboys, and are in quite the tailspin. The smart person – which you are – would agree that Dallas will win this game and improve to 11-1.

After the Giants beat the Browns they’ll have seven days of rest before they have to travel to Pittsburgh to face a Steelers team that will have been resting since Thanksgiving night. This spells trouble if you’re Eli Manning (to be fair, basic English spells trouble if you’re Eli Manning).

The Giants will likely be 8-3 (and favorites) when they take on the 6-5 Steelers. We saw in Pittsburgh’s big win over the Colts that their offense is starting to come alive and that they are a very dangerous team… say the Giants lose (which is pretty conceivable).

This would all set up for a pretty epic Week 14 (Sunday, December 11th) showdown between the Giants and Cowboys in New York. The Giants would be 8-4 and the Cowboys would be 11-1 with that game and three more left in the regular season. If the Cowboys won that game they would improve to 12-1 and the Giants would fall to 8-5… all with three games left to play. A four-game advantage with only three left would make it mathematically impossible for the Giants to catch the Cowboys, and would secure an NFC East Championship for the best team in football.

So what do we need from the Giants over the course of the next two weeks? One loss. That’s it. One Giants loss coupled with a win against the Vikings sets the Cowboys up with an opportunity to order their NFC East Championship merchandise on the victory plane ride home on Sunday, December 11th. Huzzah.

What do you think the odds are of the next two weeks setting up for a perfect opportunity on December 11th? Let us know! Comment below, Email me at RJ.Ochoa@SlantSports.com, or Tweet to me at @RJOchoa!

1 thought on “What Do The Cowboys Need From The Giants Over The Next 2 Weeks?”

  1. “…Cowboys would (edit: probably) be 11-1″…Don’t jinx us bro. It’s been too long. I feel like a freaking Cubs fan at this point. NFL years are like dog years, short windows for glory.

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