Why Keith Davis?

Bryson Treece

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KeithDavis_GB_Win_JS_360Okay so the guy is a beast on special teams – are we really so desperate to shore up the kicking units that we need to sacrifice the roster spot?

I was a fan of Keith Davis for a few years. He was never a great safety, no more so than Roy Williams was anyway, but the guy had enough heart to pump the teams blood and that was important. Now that we’ve cut guys like Anthony Henry, Roy Williams, and Greg Ellis, why are so many of you so quick to welcome KD back to Dallas?

Does it not mean anything to you that he was cut by the Dolphins before he ever played a down for them? Moreover, what about the same thing happening in Oakland? Personally, I don’t see that much wrong with the guy, but you just can’t ignore the same guy being cut only from practice time by two totally different teams.

Besides, we know what KD can do. We do not yet know what the rookie safeties can do. They at least have room to grow. It’s not worth cutting potential for a few good plays a game.

4 thoughts on “Why Keith Davis?”

  1. I’m neutral on this one. I like what he add’s to the Special Team’s, but on the other hand, with a new coach comes a new identity. I’m not sure Keith would add much more than any other player new to this aspect of the game.

  2. Well I think it is very apparent that he may be a guy that would be available if the coaches feel that one of the young guys is not going to make it, and simply pick him up towards the end of training camp. Plus lets not forget that the ultimate goal here is to have the best players at each position and if Davis is the best at a position of need then I could care less how old he is! He would not be brought in to upgrade the safety position, he would be brought in to turn up the heat in the special teams game.

  3. I definitely am not against the idea. But, then again, with so many intense position’s battle’s as it is, I’m not sure there is room for yet another Special Team only guy, already having a long snapper and a kicking specialist taking up 2 spot’s.

    • Well I am a huge fan of camp battles! I am a firm believer in making people prove themselves, and there is nothing like competition to get the most out of people! So if you can get the guy on the cheap I say do it, if for no other reason to get the very best out of the young guys!

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